Bro today in first aid elective i ws laughing so hard that i likebent over close to the ground where my backpack ws💀 🙏 . Bromy hair got stuck in one of the zippers of my backpack andwhen i tried to sit straight.. dawg- it YANKED the sh outta me.Worst thing too. It wasnt like the strands of my ponytail. ITWAS THOSE LOOSE THINGS THAT JS COME OUTTHROUGHOUT THE DAY😍 WAYY TOO CLOSE TO MYSCALP. Im so glad none of my hair fell out.😭 i was practicallyscreaming and @its_four and one of my other friend were likewheezing next to me 😭 🙏 took me like a minute to untangle itfrom my zipper cuz i couldnt even see where it was😀 🔫 . Evenwhen i sat up after all that. They were still laughing.😭 lowkdidnt even crack a smile 2 mins after that cuz i ws so pīssed atmy backpack💀