IF EÉÉSpo deritIii iiiiaDietbyfinishingDanielMinieInsects are the usual prey of Redback Spiders,but they are capable of capturing quite largeanimals, such as male trapdoor spiders, kingcrickets and small lizards, if they becomeentangled in the web. Prey-stealing is alsocommon, with large females taking stored fooditems from others' webs.Danger to humansRedback bites occur frequently, particularly over the summer months.More than 250 cases receive antivenom each year, with several milderenvenomations probably going unreported. Only the female bite isdangerous. They can cause serious illness and have caused deaths.However, since Redback Spiders rarely leave their webs, humans arenot likely to be bitten unless a body part such as a hand is put directlyinto the web, and because of their small jaws many bites are ineffective.The venom acts directly on the nerves, resulting in release andsubsequent depletion of neurotransmitters.The notorious Black Widow Spider of theUnited States is a close relative of theRedback Spider, and only differs inappearance by the absence of a reddorsal stripe. Other species of Redbacksoccur in Africa, New Zealand, the PacificIslands, Europe and North and SouthAmerica. We're no strangers to loveYou know the rules and so do I (do I)A full commitment's what I'm thinking ofYou wouldn't get this from any other guyI just wanna tell you how I'm feelingGotta make you understandNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youWe've known each other for so longYour heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)We know the game and we're gonna play itAnd if you ask me how I'm feelingDon't tell me you're too blind to seeNever gonna give you uphttps://australian.museum/learn/animals/spiders/redback-spider/ Never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youWe've known each other for so longYour heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)We know the game and we're gonna play itI just wanna tell you how I'm feelingGotta make you understandNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you upNever gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cryNever gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you