Alright we need tochoose our leader andget a team logo. Ihonestly think know agood logo for our team,@MonkeybearQueen’sHaku drawing. Also let’sstart voting for our teamleader soon!All the Dragons:-notera-kittencat-amelie_thegreatest-beansandtoast-baseballhusky555-voiddoesart-mynameiszebrathatszebrawithaZ-annagraceb-one_axolotl-axle_the_artistNgl, I think Axle would bea good leader. He seemsto be the only one whoactually started anyconversation in this team(from what I know)-Void :)If Axle is the leader, can ibe co-leader? (Alsochandler_rankin is aDragon too.)-beansandtoast iis 1iiLogo (recolored, and drawn by @MonkeybearQueen)BTW this is absolutelyamazing!!! This shud totally beour logo. 🤩