Leon Hodge.Sex/Gender: Male / Male.Age: 20 - Born 30th of June.Appearance: Tall and buff, this honey skinned man has an out-of-place feel about him. His elbow-length, wavy, black hair is lightlygelled. He has friendly, round, grey eyes, a large nose and thineyebrows. He has short arms, a long torso with defined chestmuscles and a noticeable waist, a short neck, and toned legs. Heoften wears clothes that are mostly dark-coloured and formfitting. He also wears a gold earring in one ear.------------------------Personal StatusSocial Class: Elite.Education: Went to public school and did well.Marital status: Single (Homosexual)Job: Guard - 16% satisfiedFinancial status: Billionaire.------------------------Personal viewsReligious view: Doutheist - (Faith: 33%).World view: Realist.Racial views: "Everyone is equal".Gender bias: "I think women make better leaders".Age preference: "I respect actions, not ages".Nationalism: "I enjoy living here".Conflict: "I've never been in a fight".Quote: “Don’t swing in a fight first.” - eldest brother------------------------TraitsPhysical/Health: Has minor genetic defects.Quirks: Bites his thumb, and walks with a prideful stature.Likes: Collecting things.Dislikes: Being tickled, people with body odour, and heavy rain.Afraid of: Witches and witchcraft (Wiccaphobia)Self-satisfaction: 41% - Increasing.Fitness level: 48% - Increasing.Motivator: Anger.Skills: An expert at dancing. Knows how to use a bo-staff.------------------------Favourites Colours: Likes Cyan and Hazel.Music: Likes Hip Hop and Heavy Metal.Foods: Mild foodBook Genre: FanfictionAnimal: EarthwormPersonality Type: ESTJ - The Supervisor(Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging)------------------------Friendliness: ReassuringHonesty: LoyalAssertiveness: CharismaticConfidence / Ego: Pretentious------------------------Agreeableness: BoringManners: Average manneredDiscipline: TidyRebelliousness: Anarchist------------------------Emotional capacity: Emotionally distantIntelligence: IllogicalPositivity: DepressedActiveness / Lifestyle: Over Active------------------------At first glance, this character looks suave.They:1. Have a rough voice.2. Rarely shave any part of their body.3. Get dirty very easily.4. Have a prominent limp.5. Are disrespectful.6. Refuse to celebrate their birthday or any holiday.7. Are a hypochondriac.8. Use large words that not many people have heard of/understand.9. Offer excessive tips to everyone (waitresses, bartenders, musicians, etc).10. Smoke.11. Can spell any word, even if they're never seen it before. 12. Have a great interest in fire.13. Are quick to fight for those they care about.14. Are the first to investigate.15. Are great at problem solving.Power Type 1:Energy control1 - Energy conversion. (Change energy from one form to another i.e light into heat, sound into kinetic)------------------------Power Type 2:Psychic1 - Possession. (Take control of the bodies and minds of others)------------------------Power Type 3:Mental Master1 - Brainiac. (Posses encyclopedic knowledge of many subjects)****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******Power | Power origin | Skill Level:1st | Natural power since birth | Experienced2nd | Natural power since birth | Dependent on mood3rd | Ancient Genes | --Strengthened by: ---Weakened by: ---Job SpecificationsPosition: BodyguardDescription: A person hired to protect another individual from harm or danger.Level: JuniorType: Full-Time Work------------------------Hours Per Week: 39Hourly Rate: $8.87 / £6.20Per Annum Approx: $17,988 / £12,574------------------------Employee Benefits ------------------------Unpaid Holiday: 2 daysPaid Holiday: 9 daysHealthcare: YesSick Leave: 11 days------------------------Misc------------------------Employer Morality: Non-ProfitWorker Satisfaction: 76%Employer Reputation: Sought-after