Your 19th emoji tells you how successful you will be:🥸Your 2nd emoji tells you what your family thinks of you:😫Your 7th emoji tells you the future:🎭Your 23rd emoji tells you what people think of you:🙃Your 1st emoji is your response to your most recent test:😁Your 12th emoji is what people of school think of you:👄Your 5th emoji is what you think of yourself:🐒Your 17th emoji is an indicator of the future:🎼Your 9th emoji is what your crush thinks of you:🦋The emojis:😫 😁 😩 🎼 🎭 👄 🥸 🦋 🙃 🐒 👽 🎶 🎾 ✔ 😂 👅 💋 👾 👍 ❕ 🦧 🦍 🍛 🍎 🙊 🙉🙈 🐵 🥠 🥙s teacherhatesthe Tbh i dont remember longstoryrdemojis soshetellsustousingmost ofthese short I useweirdem doodats Andweare emoji'squiredtouseatleastonedoodatenweplayKahoot otherwise wearebanneduh loldangbroyeahhhyepdeftrue formostpeopleyagotan AhmmthatsstrangelolimgoodwiththatHttmaybeformy2ndonebutmy1stthinksI'm a ratIgpetty