As I close the door from my room, I can still hear my mom and dad arguing, I always like to close myeyes and imagine a place I like when I’m in a place or position I don’t like or I just play music, as I siton my bed while listening to music I can hear my mom and getting louder so I turn up the volume onmy phone it sometimes works but this time it didn’t, as a tear drop falls out I can feel myself driftingto sleep, I sometimes cry to sleep but this time was different it felt odd and strange that I didn’t cry,the next morning I look at my phone a whole bunch of missed calls and messages from my friendand family are all over my phone, I stand up quietly so no one will hear me that how I sometimesstay out of trouble or keep my mom or dad from waking up, it’s not like we share a room we all haveour own separate rooms but they never close their door that’s why I’m always quiet, I get ready forthe day but it not like I’m going to school it’s the weekend unfortunately for me, some of you maywondering why it’s unfortunate for me in the weekends well to start I always have to pick up aftermy parents or my siblings, second I always have to deal with my mom screaming at me or mysiblings for making a mistake or I don’t, just dumb things she can get mad of, third my sister alwayscomes in my room without knocking like did my parents ever teach her to knock, no because she isthe favorite, and fourth my family is to loud and to messy I always have to clean for them while theyjust sit and chill, anyways as I get to the kitchen I see a whole mess, so what do I do? I clean, Iclean and I clean till I’m finally done, sometimes I wonder where did all the mess come from butthen I remember I have a lazy family, I walk to the fridge and grab a hot pocket, I peel off the plasticoff and throw the hot pocket in the microwave, as I wait I can hear my little brother cry he call out formy mom then my dad he does it for 2 minutes until he calls my name, I go straight to his room andtuck him back to sleep, I know that it’s morning but sometimes I like some peace and quiet, I getout of my little brothers room and grab my hot pocket and head straight to my room, I eat my hotpocket and draw I went on my phone and went straight to Spotify I put my playlist on shuffle and Ican’t handle change by ROAR is the first song that plays, I can really relate to the song a lot and Ican also relate to Christmas kid by ROAR too, my phone rings, I don’t answer the call, it’s from afriend, until my V calls, I quickly answer the phone, You might be wondering why didn’t I answer myfriend? Well my friends always talk about the same thing it can either be a fight that happened amonth ago or how the a famous celebrity embraced themselves in front of everyone, I answer my Vcause they don’t always talk about the same things, they either talk about how their life went orsome silly thing their dog did, we spend about 30 minutes talking because they had go for fencingclass, I call my friend back and I act like I didn’t hear my phone ring again we spend 30 minutestalking because I got tired of hearing the same old crap, I made a fake excuse to hang up wichworked, as hours go by I check my phone and the time in 12:00 pm. I got really comfortable with theplace and quiet until my mom walked in and said “I love you” wich meant “thank for cleaning up thehouse” I shrugged, I don’t really care.I