CONTENTSINTRODUCTIONTOOLSTIPS & TRICKSFOOD & DRINKCupcakeTacoIce Cream ConeHamburgerFriesPopcornSodaHot DogCerealWaffleDonutCherry PieMilkshakeGumballsPopsicleJuice BoxSnow ConeNATURAL WORLD MushroomStrawberryAvocadoOrange SliceWatermelonGrapesPineappleCracked EggFlowerpot 1Flowerpot 2BumblebeeGarden GnomeSucculentAloe PlantCactusCatFoxBirdBearSnailCrabNarwhalOctopusFrogThundercloud PlanetShooting StarDELIGHTFUL DOODADSLeather BookLight BulbHouseHot-Air BalloonTV SetLava LampCameraUmbrellaRocket ShipLetterTeapotTeacupNeedle and ThreadPaint PalettePaintbrushGluePencilTissue BoxHOLIDAYSValentine’s DaySaint Patrick’s Day HalloweenThanksgivingChristmasMASHUPSOctopus PlanetCat DonutSnail HouseCactus BearIce Cream NarwhalFox MushroomFrog UmbrellaGnome PopsiclePRACTICE & COLORING IntroductionHey, hi!My name is Jesi, but online I go by Jesiiii; that’s four i’s torepresent my four eyes. (I proudly wear glasses!) I am anillustrator, painter, and product designer of what I like to call“quirky art for happy hearts.” We all have the special gift ofcreativity, but when it comes to my creative process, often a funnyplay on words or a pun will spark inspiration for the silly things Ilove to draw. I enjoy using bold lines and saturated colors in mywork, and never shy away from adding a little sparkle when I can.I’m so excited to share my artistic style with you! ToolsThe best thing about making art is that you can pick whatevermedium works for you. For the basics, I recommend starting with anice drawing pad and graphite drawing pencils. When you start acharacter, sketch out your design lightly in your drawing pad first.Don’t shy away from using other drawing tools to help perfect yourwork. I love using rulers for straight lines and circle tools to makeperfect curves. Ink the lines with different sized graphic pens. Usea medium-tip pen for the outlines and a thin-tip pen for all the itty-bitty details. Once the ink is set, lightly erase whatever pencilmarks are still showing. And now the really fun part—COLOR!Feel free to experiment, explore, and find your own creative style.Markers, colored pencils, or even watercolor paints are a greatplace to start. Alternatively, you could scan your drawing in orderto color it in digitally on your computer. Tips & TricksNot all of the designs in this book are symmetrical but many are.One way to ensure symmetry is to draw a line down the middle ofthe design to make sure both sides match up perfectly. You can alsofold the paper in half and trace a flawlessly matching side to thedrawing.Adding a face to your drawing will give it some personality. Trydifferent expressions to convey a mood. Is your character happywith a smile? Maybe they’re feeling spunky with a wink andtongue out, or feeling in love with heart-eyes, or maybe they’re justa little sad with tears welling up in their adorable eyes. Don’t be afraid to play around with where you put the face on thedrawing. Make the face bigger or smaller, on the top, middle, orbottom of the design. The options are endless! You can even add multiple faces to a character to turn a drawinginto several characters at once.Even though I am guiding you through your learning process, thesedrawings are uniquely yours. If your quirky, creative heart pullsyou to make something square instead of round, add a face or two,or even create a blue strawberry rather than a red one, trust yourinstincts.There is no right way to express yourself. Use the blank charactersat the end of the tutorials to practice different facial expressionsand play with various bold colors. Practice your techniques withthe dot grid pages at the end of the book.Now, grab your tools and let’s have some pun! Cupcake1 Starting with the cupcake liner, draw a wide U shape with a curve forthe base and the sides slightly extending out.2 Across the top of the liner, draw a line with curved ends that extendpast the sides. Add three jagged points, like little mountains, to thecenter of this line.