Samuel’s POV from my goofy ahh story I made yesterday 💔💔
Samuel’s perspective
Okay so Dr. T.C. asked me if I could give the new kid a tour of the
camp when he arrives. I was hesitant at rst but decided that it
wouldn’t be that bad. The new kid doesn’t arrive in a hour so I just
hanged out with my friends the whole time. Dr. T.C. comes up to me
and tells me that the new kid arrived. I stood up and walked over to
the kid and oh my lord. He’s kinda cute- I mean, hes rlly ugly like
there’s no way vro has a gf. “Whats ur name?” I ask as a pull out a
cigarette cause I absolutely wanna get this shii done and go hang out
w/ Salem. “M-M-My name is W-W-Wolf H-Haley..” I just look at him
likes he’s rlly stupid. “look, wolf, prairie dog, runs wherever the freak
ur name is, u won’t like it here and I’ll make sure ur life is a living hell.
Got that?” Prairie dog nods. “Okay good.” I say. As me and wolf or
whatever that cuties name is, i spot Salem. I see that wolf waves at
her but I look away in anger. I see that she smiles at me. I smiles back.
She looks like she’s probably heading to our treehome. I turn to prairie
dog and he just asks, who’s that ne shyt?” My eyes instantly turn
red. NO ONE WILL STEAL MY KITTEN. I instantly yell in his face but
not too loud that Salem will hear. “That’s MY ne shyt Salem. Stay
away from my kitten.” He’s really lucky I wasn’t gonna beat the ####
outta him. “Tours done.” I say as I turn around and walk away.