NOTES on USAGE● Copy template and repurpose at will● Add date, title and notes, create directly or save your importedartwork as JPG or PNG, if transparent or GIF for animations● Organise your creations chronologically or thematically● Embed the presentation as a slide show in your portfolio or printPDF to create an album of your artwork.Template by Lakshmi Ganesan. Enjoy for personal use. 12345678910Project Index43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021 Date:Notes:43 5 6 87 9 1021