Sorry it’s such a mess.
Essombra (n) when someone you once knew disappears. Not dead, still breathing and yet…gone.
From Latin esse (to exist) + Spanish sombra (shadow)
instead of saying “very big,” say “massive.” Instead of saying “detailed.” say “granular,” and instead
of saying “not interesting,” say “banal.”
Ambivalent /æmˈbɪvələnt/ Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas I must admit I feel
ambivalent about the proposed merger.
Bespoke /bɪˈspoʊk/ Custom-made or tailored to a specic customer or purpose. Our team can oer
you a bespoke solution that aligns with your unique needs.
Brainstorming /ˈbreɪnˌstɔːrmɪŋ/ A problem-solving technique where I get together with a group of
people to come up with ideas. Let's schedule a brainstorming session to generate innovative
strategies for our upcoming project.
Comprehensive /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/ Including everything and being very thorough. We have
prepared a comprehensive report detailing all aspects of the project.
Conuence /ˈkɒnʊəns/ Things or people coming together or merging. The conuence of
dierent departments' expertise will lead to a comprehensive solution.
Conundrum /kəˈnʌndrəm/ A confusing and dicult problem or question. The conundrum we
face is how to balance short-term prots with long-term sustainability.
Deviate /ˈdiːvieɪt/ To go o course or depart from the usual or expected path. Let's stick to our
original plan and not deviate from the project timeline.
Diminutive /dɪˈmɪnjʊtɪv/ Extremely small or tiny. The diminutive changes we made to the
user interface greatly improved the user experience.
Ecacious /ˌɛfɪˈkeɪʃəs/ Eective or successful in producing the desired outcome. The
marketing campaign we implemented last quarter proved highly ecacious.
Equanimity /ˌɛkwəˈnɪmɪti/ Mental or emotional stability, especially under stress. Maintaining
equanimity during high-pressure projects helps us make better decisions.
Fiasco /ˈæskoʊ/ A complete failure or disaster. Due to unforeseen challenges, the product
launch turned into a asco.
Granular /ˈɡrænjʊlər/ Something made up of small details. We need to analyze the data at a
granular level.
Impeccable /ɪmˈpɛkəbl/ Perfect, awless, error-free. Your impeccable execution in the
presentation impressed the clients.
Pernicious /pərˈnɪʃəs/ Having a harmful eect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. We must be
cautious of the pernicious eects of prolonged stress on employee well-being.
Perspicacious /ˌpɜːrspɪˈkeɪʃəs/ Having keen insight, understanding, or acumen. Our perspicacious
nancial analyst accurately predicted the market trends.
Pragmatic /ˈpræɡˌmætɪk/ Dealing with things in a practical and sensible way. Taking a pragmatic
approach, we can address the budget constraints without compromising on quality.