Yesterdays Story time😍At around 10am i ws gunna ride my skateboard for abt 30 mins cuz i ws bored outta my mind + ineeded the exercise- that didnt happen cuz i fell offa my skateboard the next like 2 mins😭 🙏 andthis 5 YR OLD started laughing at me🥹 like i ws so ready to drop kick him on the spot but his dadws there so i js smiled 😃 🔫 anyways when i got home my mom started screaming at me for falling☺ she ws like "yOu sHoULd hAvE bEeN mOrE cAreFuL😤 " like mf i WAS CAREFUL I JS RANOVER A HUGE LIKE SIDEWALK LIFT FROM THE TREE ROOTS😔 and she js continuedyelling and yelling and yelling.. and yelling... and yelling...BUT THEN😊 when went to a Chinese restaurant called yummy house🤤 n it ws chill till one of thechinese waiters came n asked us what our order ws- dawg my phone went off and and js THAT ONEPERSON was the your phone linging ringtone 💀 it was a remix to so it was like "yOuR pHoNeLiNgInG yOur PhOOOne LiNgIng BiG bOy CoMe PicK uP dA phOne- YoU goT EgGrOlLs YoUgoT tHat FrIed RicE aLL foR tWo dOLLa NinTeY-nIne" but anyways my dad started laughing 😭 🙏and i ws js frozen cuz the lady js started for like 2 mins 💀 but anyways yeahh😀 we left after thatand my mom got mad at me again for the PHONE LIKE IT AINT MY FAULT 😭(Btw this isnt targeted to asians its js the fact it came at the wrong time 👍