f n A AA Ai i n i n i T f A 17 i sTvinivinriumentcontagiousinfectious spathogen enters body hit body cannotfight it itreproduces damages cellsincubationperiod time from exposure s symptomsPANDEMIC EPIDEMICglobaloutbreakof an infectious disease spreadsto people withindisease a community regioncountryTYPES of virus common cold herpes hepatitisPATHOGEND HIV HPV could19 chicken poxbacteria strep throat tuberculosisbacterial pneumonia chlamydia gonorrheafungi athlete's foot ringwormyeastinfectionthrushparasitepubiclice scarbies mites bed bugstransmission I direct contact with an infectedpersontouchingkissing sexual contact2 indirect contact with contaminated objectsurface organism waters food3 airborne transmission tiny dropletsthrough asneeze coughChicken pox could tuberculosis fluEIaTsyphilisgonorrena chlamydiaviral HPV HIV herpes hepatitisparasites pubic lice crabs OVID EF coronavirusoutgg BdemgEandemicD disease19 2019spreads primary through droplets when aninfected person coughs sneezes orspeaksalsothroughtouching a contaminatedsurfaceSymptomsvary from mild severevariant vaccination statusincubation period 2 N daysfevercough sore throatshortness of breathmuscle achesloss of taste smellcongestion runny noseStatistics2020 could19 was the leading cause of deathin U Sover 1,130,000 total deaths reportedPREVENTION vacciation stimulates animmune response to a pathogencover nose mouth with a maskcover nosey mouth with tissue elbowwhen coughing sneezingwash hands with soap hand sanitizerfled rSIstdSTATISTICSages 15 24 account for half of all newcases of STDs annually2019YtTpÉtéÉiiti diagnosis616,392 129,813 70cases cases cases increaseHerpes Atemphestimated humanpapillomavirus 1,189,700 Americans40 50 mil most common STD 87 Knowpeople 679 million 2019 13,000 deathsparasitesPubicliceaka crabs