the ugly truth lies herei need to be honest about something… im not 14 and im not in highschool (8th grade now) . i know i willlose alot of followers for this but read if you wanna read this. look, i don’t like being young and stuffon apps like these where there are… older kids… teens? yeah. im 11 and im going into 5th grade. i havewanted to let my feelings out on here where people understand but there is a problem that i cant getaway from at the age and grade i acted like i was… look, if its okay i am going to vent and share therest of the acting differently at the i have this friend delilah, we have been friends since second grade. she moved alot and switchedschools… alot. when she came to my school (not saying) i was one of the only people that thought shewas cool, we became friends after a while and i introduced her to my other friends, we all becauseclose. meeting her was the best thing that has ever happened to me. i got split up in 3rd grade from mywhole friend group and i was left alone crying for the first week of school. i would ask my teacher if icould have recess with delilah because i really missed her. anywho, i just wanted my bestie back. imade new friends, lets name them… lucy, eva and claire… i really liked them. lucy had blonde short hair,eva had blonde-ish brown hair and claire had orange-ish brown-ish hair. i thought claire was just thebestt (not that eva and lucy were not) after about a month we started getting into a bunch of fights(me and claire) we loved and hated eachother. anywho, after a while we stopped being friends forshort periods of time because we couldn’t stand eachother. time jump to 4th grade (last year) clairewas in my class along with delilah claire and me actually started liking eachother alot again, iintroduced delilah to claire and we formed a new group, a group of… 3 (T-T) me and delilah wherealways on eachothers side because we always agreed with eachother. anyways, we all started gettinginto fights, bad ones. claire was always on the other side, no one ever agreed with her. anyways again,one time in those cringey end of the day circles before stupid recess people where talking on otherpeoples turn… (some more info: our teacher banned talking while other people where talking in thecircle because it hot too loud, if we did we had the restart our rose and thorn) claire got so mad, iaccidentally talked before it way my turn (someone was behind me and i didn’t realize it… they were supposed too go before me…) and she she said that i was a (honestly i forgot what she said but it wassooo mean) my teacher sent her straight to the office… teehee >:] time jump too about 1 week later, wegot into another huge fight and at that point i was fed up with her. i gave her the silent treatmentthat day. that day we also had more kids in out class because a teacher was sick… at rose and thornthat day since there was so much kids in the class we ended up just giving eachother shoutouts… claireraised her hand and said “i want to give a shoutout to audrey for being a pr*ck” oh my lord, she didn’tcome back the next day. (she was fine) anyway, i was extremely humiliated and started crying todelilah i know this is all super random but im kinda trying to tell a life story here… over 3 years… mk,anyways, delilah was always there for me and honestly i never even thought about 5th grade ormiddle school 🤷 over the summer me and delilah did start talking about grade 5 and stuff, i didn’tworry about not being in her class because of something that i reject, bad things. again, i didn’t worrybecause im rejecting bad things aka not being with her and to not have that last year with her beforeeverything collapses. anyways, on the 14th my mom got a email about who my teacher is, we gotdifferent ones. that night i cried myself to sleep and when we went out to eat, i cried alot… infact,tears on my ipad right now.. i prayed that she had at least someone she may like a little to be in herclass (im her only friend) she has only had fake friends before me 💗 (so sorry) today (the 15th) i wastalking with lucy and she said claire is in my class. i started crying into my pillow, ugly crying. i know isound stupid and dramatic but you just dont get it.i kinda wanna go soon so here.. unfollow me if you want, i lied and i shouldn’t have. i may just restartmy account if i lose to much or i get to much hate. i just wanna say, i still am who i am today and yallmay know me as a 14 year old but again, yall know me as who i am. nothing really regards,audrey