Doodle EmporiumA Stress Relieving Adult Coloring BookLori Geisler Doodle EmporiumLori GeislerA Stress Relieving Adult Coloring Book Blue Star Coloring Books is in San Antonio, TX and Portland, OR.Teamwork makes the dream work: This book was illustrated by Lori, designed byPeter, written by Gabe and published by CJ. Adult Coloring Book, Stress RelievingPatterns and Blue Star are trademarks of PCG Publishing Group, LLC. Thecopyright © belongs to Blue Star as of 2016. We reserve all of our rights.Printed in the United States of America. And We Want to Shout It From the RooftopsShow UsYour ArtWe’ll ShowThe WorldWe Love WhatYou Create@bluestarcoloring We’ll never be perfect, but that won’t stop us from trying.Your feedback makes us a better company. We want your ideas,criticism, compliments or anything else you think we should hear!Oh, and if you don’t love this coloring book, we’ll refund yourmoney immediately. No questions asked.Send anything and everything to How to Use This BookBreak out your crayons or colored pencils.Turn off your phone, tablet, computer, whatever.Find your favorite page in the book. That is the beginning.Start coloring.If you notice at any point that you are forgetting your worries,daydreaming freely or feeling more creative, curious, excitable,delighted, relaxed or any combination thereof, take a deep breathand enjoy it. Remind yourself that coloring, like dancing or fallingin love, does not have a point. It is the point.When you don’t feel like it anymore, stop.