Boy next door. Part 18. Chapter: Sin-U’s point of view
I wake up to nd Apollo still holding me close to him.I Slowly lift his arm
o, of me. I sat up and looked at the ceiling “Morning Sinny” Apollo said
pulling me back down next to him, it startled me. He kissed my head then
he kissed my forehead and then he kissed my lips. I blushed, “it’s a
Saturday let’s stay in bed all day please” he said with a smile. “But I need to
feed Pollo” I told him. “Fine, but let me help you” he said with smile. “Ok
I’ll let you help me” I told him. He kissed me on my cheek and stood up
“Come on lazy get up” Apollo said. “Excuse me! You made lay down again”
I told him . We chuckled, I stood up and went down stairs. I fed Apollo and
went to the kitchen to make eggs, Apollo came down “I’m done making the
bed” he said. “Thank you for the help Apollo” I said, He smiles and says
“thank you”. “About last night” I said in a low tone “yeah what about it” he
said “Sorry for kissing you” I said. “Don’t worry about it’s our little secret”
he said and winks at me, I turned red. “You look like a tomato” he said.
“It’s not my fault I’m Asian” I told him. He walked up to me and cupped my
cheeks, I kissed him and walked away. “WAIT, I didn’t kiss you back” he
said “you should have known that was coming” I said with a smile. I served
him breakfast and went walked to the living room “Are you going to eat
breakfast?” Apollo asked, “No, I don’t eat in the mornings” I replied. He
nodded and started eating. Two hours later there was a knock on the door,
Apollo walked up to the door and opened it. I froze for a minute, it was
Way-Len at the door “Sinny isn’t here” Apollo said, “Them why are you in
his house?” Way-Len replied. “I came to feed His dog” Apollo said shutting
the door. “Why did you do that” I whispered. “Because he has no soul
behind does eyes, plus he is weird” He whispered. He sat next to me on the
couch and pulled me close to him. “I just want you to feel safe with me” he
whispered in my ear. I blushed, “stop making me blush” I told him. “It’s
cute though” he says smiling at me. We talked for hours and hours. I stood
up at one point to grab a water and sat back down. I looked at the ceiling,
Apollo lays on the couch and pulled me down with him. “ You’re so cute.”
He said softly. “ no I’m not I’m ugly.” I told him. He pulled me closer to him
“no you’re not, now let’s take a nap I’m so tired” he told laying his head on
my necklace. “I turned to him and cuddled him him. “When are your
parents coming home?” He asked me laying his head on my chest. “Next
week” I said laying my hand on his head and rubbing his back. “oh, how
come?” He said. “Because they work as scientist” I said. “Oh! That’s why”
he said. “Yeah” I replied softly, I yawned. “Let’s take a nap” he said. I
nodded and we both fell asleep.