Names n stuff (Jacob- [12], Brandon [15], Lydia [9] )So my moms best friends kids came over and stuff and ima just tell you what happened yesterday.So we drove ALL THE WAY to North Carolina🤭 to go to this really cool mallI forgot what its called but anyways (south park i think seach it up if u wanna- southpark mall north carolina)Our moms dropped us off and went somewhere elsee😍We entered the mall. As soon as we entered Brandon and Jacob started fighting.They were genuinely PUNCHING EACHOTHER😭So then brandon picked jacob up and threw him in one of those pools where u throw coins in..😭 ✋HE HIT THE STATUE😭 🙏Uhm anyways so we were walking around the mall with a WET KID BEHIND US. Embarrassing asff bro😭Brandon COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING😭Lydia and I decided to go to sephora while my brother, Jacob and Brandon went to yk idrc somewhere.We met back up like 20 mins later to go to the food court.Tbh only jacob was hungry i didnt wanna eat but wtv😭My only question was HOW WS JACOB STILL WET BRU😭 it was like 20 mins.I mean i didnt expect him to be dry butIt didnt look like he changed at all- it ws kinda weird till i figured out brandon threw him back in the pool.💀Uhm anyways we went to the court. And brandon and i went to cHiPoTLe and we both got a bowl.Noah wasnt hungry bc hes a lil stick (jj)We came back and started eating.Jacob wanted smt else so brandon went and ordered it for him.👅We were eating bro.And istg brandon let out THE BIGGEST BURP EVER KNOWN TO MAN😃 🔫The fact it ws like iN HiS mOuTh but still SO LOUD 😭An old man behind us said "dang. Good one." And HE SAID THANK YOU.Uh so then we decided to walk around the plaza outside for a little bit (mostly cuz lydia wanted to)(Js have in mind brandon dipped jacob back in the pool. Before we left.)We walked for like 10 minsSo we were walking across this bridge. Dont even start bro. Brandon PUSHED JACOB. And yes.He fell into the lake.It was LIKE STREAMING HIM THE OTHER WAY. SO WE WERE RUNNIN TO CATCH HIM.eventually brandon jumped into the lake and got him.😍Uh so we js sat at the entrance to the mall till our parents came. Brandon dried off till then.Jacob didnt cuz this time i pushed him into the pool 😻Bro got dunked like 5 times. Died almost 1 but its ok.🤭His mom got so mad LOLtheirage