The Worst Day Ever! By meToday was the worst day ever! First, when I got to school I forgot to bring my homework. So when myteacher asked me for my homework I said “ Oh, um my mom threw it away.” Like what was I thinking shewont believe that! Next, I forgot we had a test today and I forgot to study! So when she handed out the testsand i said “oh my gosh I’m cooked!” Then, at lunch I sat down with my friends and one of them said “ Wedon’t want you at our table anymore because you are just to weird.” When I heard that i was crashing outinside. But after that I spilled my milk all over my pants. So I had to go to the nurses office and my crushwas there and he said “ Eww did you pee your pants!?” And I was so embarrassed. Last, when we weregoing on the busses I got onto the wrong bus again it was so awkward. Then I eventually got home luckily.Thanks for reading this bye