Why is life this way why does is have to be like this why. I had nothing to lose until I had Jenna. NowI lost the one thing. I have nothing to lose now. So why would anyone care? Am I consideringsuicide? Maybe? I feel like a prop. I don’t know how to feel real. Was happiness ever an optionanyways? Is there even a meaning to life? Why should I matter? I don’t. It’s my fault? I don’t know.Am I real? Am I ok? Who cares? No one? Do I even care? What is the reason I’m here? I shouldn’teven be here. It’s not your fault. I’m sorry. Why is this happening? Do I need to live? What do I haveto lose? Am I ready for god? Is god ready for me? What is going on? Am I insane? I think so. Why?When? Where? How? Am I real? Can you teach me how to feel real? I don’t know what to do. Is lifea lie? Was I lied to? Did I do anything? Yes. It’s my fault. Why should anyone care at this point? Isthis a phase? Am I not…? What is there to live for? The burden is on me. And it is always on me.Why do people hate me? Why should she love me? Do I deserve it? I don’t deserve anything. Ishouldn’t deserve anything. Maybe I’m right. Maybe I should die. Maybe I should stop. Do I need abreak? What is there to do? Is this my life? What is happening? Why did god create me. Did I sin?God wouldn’t do this to anyone. Satan would. God forgive me. I sinned. It’s all my fault. Do I needhelp. Am I depressed. Why do I ponder so much? Where when why do I need to live. There is noreason for me to live. Am I fake? Am I wrong? Am I…? What even am I? Do I deserve to be human?Why?