Uh, hey, um, I don't really know what to say... I've only beenhere for a few hours and already over 25 followers? Iseriously wasn't expecting anything like this at all! I justposted some random drawing, and like, didn't really putmuch effort into it? But, wow, thank you so much for all thewarm welcomes and kind words! It honestly means a lot.I'll definitely post more art soon, I promise! (I'm still figuringout my style, though... I'm not totally happy with it yet, but,uh, I'm really happy some of you like it already!)I'm sorry if I'm being weird or awkward, I just, uh, get prettyanxious around people and... this is all new to me, and l'venever had people be this nice, so... thanks, like, seriously. Idon't really know what else to say.Oh! Um, I was thinking, since l'm new here, maybe you canask me questions in the comments, and I'll answer themtomorrow in a separate post? Like, anything, really - age,nationality, fandoms, music, whatever!Just, um, as long as it's respectful. Yeah... that's it.Thanks again, everyone!