Thanks so much!
Uh, hey, um, I don't really know what to say... I've only been
here for a few hours and already over 25 followers? I
seriously wasn't expecting anything like this at all! I just
posted some random drawing, and like, didn't really put
much eort into it? But, wow, thank you so much for all the
warm welcomes and kind words! It honestly means a lot.
I'll denitely post more art soon, I promise! (I'm still guring
out my style, though... I'm not totally happy with it yet, but,
uh, I'm really happy some of you like it already!)
I'm sorry if I'm being weird or awkward, I just, uh, get pretty
anxious around people and... this is all new to me, and l've
never had people be this nice, so... thanks, like, seriously. I
don't really know what else to say.
Oh! Um, I was thinking, since l'm new here, maybe you can
ask me questions in the comments, and I'll answer them
tomorrow in a separate post? Like, anything, really - age,
nationality, fandoms, music, whatever!
Just, um, as long as it's respectful. Yeah... that's it.
Thanks again, everyone!