Trapped Chapter 10
I woke up the next day to my alarm which I had made sure I remembered to
set. I got up and had a new spring in my step. We were learning more and more
about the magic and we had a new member of the team. My parents noticed
and looked at me funny. Hey honey, what’s up? My mom asks me. Just enjoying
the day. I tell her and hug her goodbye. She was surprised and I smiled and
pulled away and waved goodbye. She smiled in a way she hadn’t smiled in years.
Bye darling! She says and I walk with Dad down to the car. We got in and my
dad sighed. So, Ms Amy called and said she would like to do some extended
sessions since your making head way. He says. Why would w- wait. Clever Ms
Amy. More time meant more time in the book world. Yeah, their going really
well. I tell him. He nods. We continue our drive in silence. I walk into school and
unfortunately have to avoid Jake a lot. It hurt not to be able to talk to him but
with Mary Jane’s spies everywhere, no where was safe. I heard him call my
name but i hurried faster to my next class. I sighed and sat down in my next
class. Math again. This lesson was not very fun and I almost fell asleep in class.
After that, I walked to my car and sighed. Another day, another step closer to
summer. I tell myself optimistically but it didnt really help. I got in the car. We
pulled away from the school and I watched as the cluster of buildings recede.
Dad, can we do a Code Cream? I ask him randomly. He seems taken aback. Uh
sure, lets do one. He says and a small smile comes across his face. Now you’re
probably asking, Riley, what’s Code Cream? Well im happy to answer to for you.
Code Cream is something I came up with a while back. Whenever I needed to
talk to Dad about something, I would say “Dad I need a Code Cream” and most
times we’d go to the local Baskin Robins and get ice cream and talk there. We
hadn’t done one in years. Not since Ryan disappeared. We pulled into the tiny
ice cream shop and the familar tinkling of the bell as the door opened greeted
me. The sweet smell of sugar and an assortment of different incredible avors
wafted through the air. I sighed and remembered all the times we came here.
Welcome to Baskin Robins, what can I get for you? A kind portly lady in the
Baskin Robin’s uniforms uniform asks. Hi, can I get a scoop of the moose tracks
in the cake cone and… what do you want? He asks me. I give him a mock
shocked face that he had forgetten my usual. Two scoops of the cookie dough in
a wafe cone please. I say and smirk at my dad. He chuckles. Is that all for
yall today? She asks sweetly. Yes ma’am. My dad says and hands her his card.
We pay and she xes us our ice cream. We walk out to the nearby park and sit
in our old spot. Thanks Dad, I needed this. I tell him. No problem sweetie, so
what’s it you need to talk about? He asks me. I face him. Well, its about what
happening at school. There’s some mean girls that are pretty rough and their
being jerks. I dont know what to do. I tell him and my eyes tear up. Awww baby.
Its ok. Well, theres really no way to gure out the web of drama but I can tell
you this, next time they pull a stunt like that tell them ‘hey, you may think its
funny but its not. And im not afraid of you. Do what you want, I dont care’ then
walk off. It takes away their power over you and they’ll probably leave you
alone he says and takes a lick of his ice cream. A tear rolls down my cheek. I
tackle him in a hug and he chuckles. Thanks Dad. I tell him, letting myself enjoy
being in his safe embrace. No problem baby. He says and we nish our ice cream.
We head home and the night goes on as normal. Though, i did want to try
another book world trip. I think i was on better terms with my parents now and
it felt good to get back to a sense of our past lives. I waited again for my
parents to go to bed and got out my binder. Hmm, lets see if I can’t change the
timing around a bit. I think and open it up. I looked at the clock. 10:37. Ok, lets
go for two minutes. I think. I ip to the Shannon falls part but stop mid turn.
Wait. I ip back a bit to where Heather was alone in a section of the forest and
was watching the stars. Another scene I wanted to go to. I wish to go to this
place. I say loudly but not enough to wake up my parents. The tingle and
blackout sucks me in. I recover quicker this time. I think im getting the hang of
it. I think and realize i was in the scene. I made Heather, or myself, sit down on
the rock and watch the constellations and stars. Wow, i could really get used to
this. I think and reect for a moment on the days events. The talk really struck
home. I thought for a second and stood up. I had given Heather a special power.
I dont know how to activate it though. I think. I warily open my mind to
Heather’s thoughts. I was bombarded by all the new information and almost
pulled out but I desperately wanted to know how to activate it. I was conscious
of the fact I had to leave soon. Come on come on. I think and nally nd it. I
latch onto it and realize I really needed to leave. Ok, note to remember this. I
say and forced myself to concentrate. I wish to go home. I say. No tingle. Panic
again. I wish to go home! I say. No tingle. I WISH TO GO HOME! I yell and the
tingle nally comes. As I settle back in the real world, my heart doesnt stop
Racing. Its getting harder to
come back on my own. I think
and I know its gonna be a
while before I fall asleep if I