I honestly hate these "adorable couples" at such ayoung age. I mean ofc theres smt called love and ofcim not against dating at this age since i did so myself.But like dayum u dont gotta be so obnoxious abt it💀this one girl in my class lets call her A and her bf (alsoin my class) lets call him D. So A js announces sh likeits the most important thing youll ever hear in ur life.like "oH mY gOd mE aNd D aRe GunNa GeTmArRiEd yKnOw🥰🥰" like dawg héll no ur not. Id besuprised if this lasted another week💀. She told me notto do so good at a sports meeting bc apparently "hEwAs wAtChIng" like what😭🙏. D got her a valentinesgift today. AND THE BAG WAS THE SAME ONEHE GOT HER FOR CHRISTMAS. DAWGRECYCLED IT💀. A came up to me and she was like"IsNt hE sUcH a SwEeT heArT?? I lOve HiM sM😍"like dawg idğåf💀 i js said "wow thats so cute!"😃🔫didnt even getta finish saying cute cuz she told me tomove my head cuz i was blocking her view frim herprecious bf THAT IF SHE LOVED SM SHECOULDA JS MOVED HERSELF INSTEAD OFMAKING ME GO OUT OF MY WAY N MOVE💀lowkey tweaking. Tw there are many couples in mycouples in my class that aren't obnoxious like that so ihappy 4 them❤❤