É z f nafTHEECLOWNCLUB I inviteYOU my little downcone friend tojoinEI's 51 14 5 T.IE CLOWNCLUBJOB SHEETMEMBERSHEETStarzia E4nor_AFONmay4453Role guardMargogosqueezecomment guardMIK afterher name is Cindy just look up I drew them again 3 scrolldown a bit and you ran find her most recent designJOBS ARE NOT REALLYNEEDED, THEIR ONLYPURPOSE IS TO KEEPDRAMA AWAY. You do not haveto do your job, even if you sign up! Keepin mind the only purpose of jobs is todrive away drama! Other wise I willhandle any drama!What are the jobs for? What dothey do?Job rules/guide:The Co-leader is just the…co…leader.Their job is to keep all othermembers and jobs in line if needed!The role guard makes sure everyrole is in check! If there are anyproblems, report to the leader/ co-leader!The comment guard looks throughcomments any clown club posts tomake sure there is no drama! Ifthere is, they report it to theleader/ co-leader to stop it! (Keepin mind this job may be tedious, so ifyou are sure you want to do it makea schedule)Nobody in the club will be banned oranything if you don’t do your jobscorrectly! They’re just suggested sothat we don’t cause any drama,because nobody likes that.TAG ME ANDREMIX SO I KNOWYOUR ROLE!!!!!