OMFG GUYYYYYYYYYSI think my crush likes me BACKKKKKAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSo today I was sitting at the back of class and Iwas staring and I mean STARING AT THISBEAUTIFUL, CUTE, AND HOT BEING OF A HUMANand he looked at me back AND SMILED:0So uhmmm yea that and his friends say he has acrush on me and they call me his girlfriend…RAHHHHHH WHAT DO I DOOOOO??? I NEEDHELLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND GUYSTHIS MANS SMILE IS SO AHHH and his eyes areso OOOOOO and he is just toGYUFRWBUREBUREBWHUKRE!!!!Ykwim?- your fav✨