"LET GO OF ME!" She sobbed."THALIA BERYL GRACE, YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!" Hermother screamed at her.Thalia shook her head as tears pored down her face."No. You won't talk to me like that." She said with an angry tearful glare.She smacked her mother's hand away and ran to her room in the mansion house she livedin. Thalia Grace had just watched her mother leave her little two year old brother JasonGrace in a park on purpose. She watched wolves show up as she was grabbed and draggedaway from the sene.Her brother was dead.Thalia had raised him while her mom would disappear through the day to do who knowswhat. All Thalia knew was that her mother would come home drunk, and start tellingthem 'secrets' about her father.Thalia whipped angry tears from her electric blue eyes. She grabbed a pocket knife shehad, her wallet, and a backpack. She grabbed a photo of Jason and held it in her hand.Tears streamed down her face.This was it for Thalia. She was running away.She put the photo in her backpack and tied— what was then—her long black hair up in aponytail. Thalia lifted the window up and jumped on the window sill. Her eyes scanned herbedroom one last time. She would never come back. Her eyes fell on her Walkman.She grabbed it and a pare of earbuds then jumped out the window. Thalia Grace was notscared of heights—yet— as she jumped two stories down.She felt her body ride the air for a second as she hit the ground softly. Thalia didn'thesitate as she ran for the electric fence. She had done this once before.She carefully put her hands on the fence as the electricity flowed through her body.It felt natural.The fence shut down as Thalia climbed. She made it over and jumped down. She pushedher ponytailed long black hair out of her face as her electric blue eyes sparked withelectricity.Thalia stood there for a second.She knew she wouldn't regret it but she worried.What if Jason was alive and found his way home— even though he was two. What if shewas gone and couldn't help him. Thalia pushed the thoughts away.Jason was dead.Thalia gave a small sigh and turned her Walkman on. 'Enter Sandman' by Metallica startedto play as she looked down. Her black jeans and striped grey and black t-shirt seemed toblend with the night.Thalia took a deep breath and looked up again."Bye mom."And with that, Thalia Beryl Grace ran away from the Grace mansion. Thalia didn't knowwhere she would go, or how she would survive, but she just knew she would.How?Because she knew she was a demigod.She was a daughter of Zeus.