What's My Aesthetic1 WhichwouldbeyouridealoutfitA B E D E F2 Whatwouldbe yourgo to bagA B C D E F3 Which flowers wouldyou preferA B C D E F 4 Which colors do you like the mostA B C D E F5 What isyour favorite hobbyA B C D E F6Whatkind of makeup wouldyou prefernatural glitterypinkeye bright darkeye noand shadow makeupglowing shadow neon blushlipstick colors blathstickA B C D E F7Whichroomdecordoyoulikethe mostA B C D E F If you mostly choseA Your aestheticis cottagecoreB Your aestheticis soft girlC Your aestheticis 42KD Your aestheticis gothcoreE Your aestheticis casualF Your aestheticis preppyMy Aesthetic IsY2Khey pookie