So I said at 100 followers I would tell you guys about my crush and I got 103!!! Ipromised and I keep my promises. So his nickname is Curly Fry bc he has sortacurly blonde hair. I say sorta bc some of it is straight and the other parts arecurly. He’s 5’3 and only the basketball team. He’s 1 or 2 years old than me.What’s sad tho is that I’m taller than him by half an inch 😭 . Don’t get me wrongI love my short kings but I want him to be taller than me so I can be the littlespoon. ANYWAY he sorta knows who I am and I’m a little scared to ask him tobe my valentine. He’s in the same squad and seminar as two of my friends. AlsoI’ve liked him since last year. One of my friends think it’s fate bc his mom workswith my mom, his dad went to school with my dad, and my GRANDMA knowshis dad. He’s cute, adorable, fine, and when I see him I almost melt 🤤 . Heknows my fav color too (All blues especially light blues especially baby blue) bche was walking right behind me as I was telling my friend what my fav color wasand he heard. So the next day he wore his baby blue hoodie to school. He’sworn it more times than I can count. At this point I just call it “THE hoodie”. BtwI was planning on making him a card and a bracelet with his fav 2 colors and hisinitials. What do you think? Let me know in the comments!