Any one want to chat I’m so bored (2) (5) (2) (2) (2) (3) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
Any one want to chat I’m Bored
I’m in social studies
I’m in math rn
I’m so tired
Wyd I’m in lit right now
Sorry for not responding! What does “in lit” mean? I’m not an old man I swear I just don’t know
slang that well! But I’m now working on hw btw
It ne and lit stands for Literature and it’s ne I’m still in school I’m going to cry
Ohhhh that explains it. It’s like 6:45 rn where I live so I was a bit confused until I remembered:
dierent time zones and sometimes there are after school things. I feel bad I wouldn’t want to be in
school rn so here is a chicken sticker for you: Hope you like it!
No we have the same time zone it’s 6:50 right now and Ty for the chicken sticker I love him also we
have the same time zone
Yw! Okay. What time do you have to wake up for school? Normally I wake up at like 6:30 A M.
It depends 4:00Am if I need to get to school at 6:30 Am or 5:00 AM if I can get to school at 7 Am
and my school is 30 minutes away
That’s really early! I already get tired during the school day while waking up at 6:30, let alone how I
would feel waking up at 4. Do you have any tips on how to keep a routine of waking up early?
Sorry I just woke up it’s 4:52AM and it easier if you tern on the lights in the rooms you are going in
that helps your brain to know it’s morning and make sure to sleep in your car so you are less tired at
least that’s what works for me
The problem with that is sometimes my sister sleeps in my room too and I ride the bus…but I
almost missed it today by waking up 4 minutes before the bus came
Dam that sucks are you in school
Yeah we had to do some testing today but I nished early so now I’m here. Wbu?
I’m in school to in Spanish I hate Spanish class and I’m Spanish
My sisters are forcing me to take Spanish and German next year
Well if you need any help next year you can always hit me up for Spanish lol
Thanks! Neither of my sisters took Spanish but according to them, it’s the most useful language of
the four that we have to chose from:German, Spanish, French, and Latin. I have some friends that
are planning on taking it with me next year which is good, but we have to take 2 languages and I
have not found anyone in my friend group who’s taking German yet
That must suck I am not ready for 9th grade
I’m not allowed to share my age (All I can say is that I am younger than you)but I can agree, I’m not
ready for my next years of school. If you’re talking about the two languages thing, we only have to
take two one year and then chose between the two for our chosen language the year after that.