I ASKED my crush/friend to be my valentine 😭 😭 😭 😭 . Well I gave him a note like right beforesecond hour and I don’t know WTH he is going to say 😭 😭 . I feel really embarrassed and I justhope what I did didn’t ruin our friendship. He knows I like him but it’s valentines Ik it’s like a friendthing but some people think of it as more. I’m honestly just thinking of running away from him for therest of my life honestly. It’s my first time asking someone to be my valentine and now I know thefeeling 😁 😭 . I’m still blushing though but I hope he doesn’t get mad at me ☺ 😭 . If he said yes onthe note I’m going to scream out of my life. And if he says no I’m going to be freaking depressedbecause I’ve spent just countless hours thinking about it and it makes me absolutely insane. Heprobably thinks I’m as miserable as heck rn… I’m just frickin scared. He is probably thinking about itand one of my friends says that he is just going to ignore me and never talk to me ever again cuzyea. I feel like I’m making him feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.😣 And I feel like he just doesn’twant to hurt me cuz I’m his friend but he doesn’t want me to like him. And yea I honestly hate itwhen I actually drift people away from my existence. I really hope he doesn’t hate me and I hopejust hoping he at least thinks about it but yea that’s just my life rnn 😭 😭 😭 .