We all were cheering and celebrating until thunder cracked right over head. Weall gathered our things and ran as fast as we could back to the road. The rainwas starting to catch up and a light drizzle had started to fall. It wasn’t till therain had started pouring did we make it back to the road. But, the limo wasn’tthere. I groaned and Devin punched a tree. I guess we’re on our own again. Isay. At least we have a road to follow and we know where to go. Nika says. Truebut it’ll take us weeks to get to the Smokies. Jacob says. Well then we betterget moving, maybe we’ll find a bus to take us. Devin says and we all startwalking. Thankfully the road was going south so we didnt have to worry aboutthe direction we were going in. The rain made everything worse. the constant‘drip’ ‘drip’ almost made me go crazy. We walked until we couldn’t. My legs werealready sore from the previous day but this was torture. Worst. Quest. Ever.Nobody talked. I walked near the front next to Devin with Jacob and Nikabehind us. My shoes were soaked and felt cold and wet. The wind battered usback and forth. We could barely stay on our feet between the slippery road andwind. We continued on nevertheless and didnt stop until we saw the next signthat indicated a gas station and hotel nearby. We all hurried to the place andfound a small two star hotel and a Shell gas station. We avoided the gas stationand went to the hotel. There were three cars parked at it and we rushed in. Thedoors wouldnt budge and it took all of us to pry it open enough. We went in andsat there panting and dripping wet. My teeth were chattering like a skeleton aswere everyone else’s. I feared that if we didn’t get warm and dry soon,hypothermia was a real fear. I got up and looked at the lobby. It was lit by achandelier and had a small front desk. I walk to the desk and find a bell. I tapit. The tiny ding echoed down the halls and I heard a voice say ‘coming!’. A smallsquat woman with glasses rounded the corner. She took one look at us and hereyes went big. Oh goodness!! What happened to you?! She asks us. I already hada lie made up. We were on a hike for our camp and got separated from ourleader. We got lost in the storm and followed the road here. Can we stay herethe night? I ask her, amazed at how convincing the lie was. Her face softened.Of course!! GEORGE!! We have guests! She says. A man who looked to be in hislate thirties walked in. His eyes went wide as well. Woah! You all do need aroom. You guys must be some tough cookies to brave this storm. This way! Hesays and leads us to an elevator and we all pile in. So, where are you from? He Asks. Devin opens his mouth but I cut him off. We’re from a camp up north ofhere. I tell him. Cool what camp? My brother works at one up north. I hesitate.Camp Kyle by the ocean. Jacob says. George accepted this answer and smiled.Great camp that is. He says and doesn’t talk the rest of the way. I shoot Jacoba grateful glance and he nods with a smile. We stop on our floor and he leads usto our room. These are joining rooms so you don’t have to share. He says and meand Nika go in on the right and the boys on the left. Devin winks at me andwalks in. The room wasn’t too bad considering what hotel we were at. Two queenbeds Were next to each other. Nika crashed on top of the one closest to thedoor. This is heaven. She says. I chuckle and inspect the room. There was a tvbut I knew we wouldnt watch any. Once I did my inspection, I sat down on mybed. Nika was right. I sighed and Nika chuckled. Maybe we should change andget a shower. She says. I didnt want to move but I knew she was right. I’ll go
first on the shower. I tell her and grab my other shirt and shorts. I close thedoor to the bathroom and start the water. I take a hot shower and let thegrime and dirt wash away along with my worries. It felt good to be clean andwarm. I came out a new person and Nika was flipping through channels on thetv. Your turn. I tell her and she goes to shower. I open my backpack and grabmy journal and the pen Annabeth had gotten me for my birthday a few yearsago when she learned I journaled. Of course it was silver. I clicked it andopened to a fresh page. A lot had happened and it took me two full pages towrite everything and a page of it took up a drawing of the Moon Falls. It wassome of my better work. I flipped to the page with the map. It was still therewith the dot still hovering over the Smokies. Nika comes out and flops back onher bed. I checked the clock and realized it was only 9 AM. We walked all night.Wow. I’m gonna get some shut eye, wake me if something happens. I tell Nikaand fall asleep.