After what seemed like hours we had finally reached thevery edge of the city, a place so barren you’d be surprisedto find a bustling town on the horizon. Slowly, we madeour way past the fence and to the trapdoor from yesterday.I was in awe that we were totally alone in the woods. To farto see the trail we were once on. The emptiness was bestabout the trip and I was glad I got to share it with a friend. “Why did you bring me here again [redacted]? Was itbecause you still wanted to explore that weird buildingsome more?” She asked as she adjusted her scarf. Iwanted to speak but I just couldn’t, words weren’t formingeven though I opened my mouth. “You know you can tellme anything right? Just trust me, I won’t tell anybodyanything!”. What should I do? I knew that it was now or never, I had to do this no matterthe cost. “I’m going to make this quick alright? Pleaseforgive me for this…” I said with a grin on my face.“What are you talking about? Is something wro-.” Beforeshe could finish her sentence I whipped out my hand gun.I pulled the trigger and a loud ringing was heard beforeshe could react. Mission Accomplished.