Psycho stare 3.0 dating sim
After what seemed like hours we had nally reached the
very edge of the city, a place so barren you’d be surprised
to nd a bustling town on the horizon. Slowly, we made
our way past the fence and to the trapdoor from yesterday.
I was in awe that we were totally alone in the woods. To far
to see the trail we were once on. The emptiness was best
about the trip and I was glad I got to share it with a friend.
“Why did you bring me here again [redacted]? Was it
because you still wanted to explore that weird building
some more?” She asked as she adjusted her scarf. I
wanted to speak but I just couldn’t, words weren’t forming
even though I opened my mouth. “You know you can tell
me anything right? Just trust me, I won’t tell anybody
anything!”. What should I do?
I knew that it was now or never, I had to do this no matter
the cost. “I’m going to make this quick alright? Please
forgive me for this…” I said with a grin on my face.
“What are you talking about? Is something wro-.” Before
she could nish her sentence I whipped out my hand gun.
I pulled the trigger and a loud ringing was heard before
she could react. Mission Accomplished.