A Little Convo (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
I’m bored so I had the idea of us having a conversation, if that’s ok with
you ofc hun?
I saw your amazing drawing! Your such a good artist and I love
everything you do 🥰 🥰 🥰 Im telling you this right now your art is like
at a professional level for me, and im pretty sure it is for other people as
Well if I list every little detail about myself it might be a whole page so
ima list a couple of things. I like all kinds of music, I play video games(I
mean ya I like Xbox, but now enough to argue in the “Console Wars”
that ppl have started), I like to draw, I have a really nice family, some ppl
think I’m “not funny” and “annoying” which I mean their not wrong, but
their also not right if ya know what I mean. Uhhh oh ya, I have too many
cousins, aunts, & uncles to list(just ask me about them their very…
interesting), and for some reason I decided to simp over Gershin
Characters(don’t judge but they are some hot ones). So tell me about
Yeah ofc sorry I was working on a drawing
Ok no, you are TOOOOOO NICE OF A
HUMAN, I’m dreaming 🥺 but thank
you so much 🥰 so tell me a
little about yourself
Dang your taller than me, I’m like 5”4-5”5. Even though I’m Mexican.
I bring that up b/c we’re basically short. Anyways it seems like you
have loving parents, and if your friends are toxic, just find some new
ones! You don’t need them if they treat you bad!
Well I just finished a lil’ bingo if you wanna check it out. Anyways I’m
just chilling listening to music, drawing sum. Ya know, just hangin
around. Wyd?
Well your not wrong, I am in Texas and I did mention that. Wait have you
ever been to a place called Belize? It’s not in Texas but it’s in Central
America/Mexico, kinda close to where Guatemala is.
Same I would have a whole page but uhh, ok for
starters, I’m colorblind I have 2 older brothers, 2
dogs and 1 cat, I have semi strict parents but they
are funny. I have some toxic friends 😅 but I try
to stay nice. I’m into different kinds of music not
to picky, btw I’m 5’6 plus I wear a lot of boots
but cute ones because I’m not gonna look like a cow
girl but yeah the books make me like 5’8😭
Ehh I kinda don’t have the balls to say I
don’t wanna be friends but I give hints 🤡
…………so wyd?
Same I’m listening to music as well
also I’m pretty sure you are in
Texas right? Not to be a creep but
like I think you have mentioned that
Omg you need to visit there! The ppl are nice, they have some pretty
cool places too! And if you go to the little islands they let tourists go to,
you NEED to see the water! It’s so clear & pretty! I’m not kidding,
search up “Belize Island Water” rn! It’s so pretty, like u 🥰 🥰
K love . Anyways what’s your favorite song, or movie?
I’m suprised that other ppl other than me like Grown Ups. & good for
you Love for stoping being friend w/ rude people! I’m proud of you
! I wish I did the same thing a while back tho b/c now I’m
kinda stuck w/ them. Like they ain’t the best ppl.
No but I have heard of it , why do you ask?
awweee🥺 Ty and I’ll look at it on my
phone rn
My favorite song is say something by Justin
Timberlake and movie would probably be Grown
ups with Adam Sandler and I think your right
about my friends they just did something really
mean to me over text so I think ima stop being
friends with them :)
At this point idc if they take offense. You think I want to stick up for
someone who stabbed me with a pencil? And thank you for being here
for me hun 🥰
Well it’s okay cause I’m here and I’m better (no
offense to them)