What is your favorite color outof these?A. Hot PinkB. Baby BlueC. OrangeD. WhiteHow would you describeyourself ?A. Energetic but your mood canswitch quicklyB. Positive but can get angryreally fastC. Thoughtful but you don't liketo talk muchD. Cold and sassy but if peopleget to know you, you are reallyniceWhat pet would you choose?A. BunnyB. DogC. No petD. CatWhat is your favorite drink?A. LemonadeB. JuiceC. WaterD. CoffeeWhat is your favorite food outof these?A. Anything sour!B. Popsicle or Ice CreamC. PieD. CakeWhat weather do you prefer?A. Sunny dayB. Cloudy DayC. Rainy DayD. Snowy DayWhere would you go for vacation?A. Busy Boardwalk and BeachB. Quiet CountryC. Ski ResortD. City!Which one of these are you?A. You get up everyday ready to go to schoolB. You are not a morning person but once you get out of bed you arereadyC. You do not want to go to school or work but you do not argue ordelay your getting up because you know you have to get up at somepointD. You throw a fit and are usually late getting up 32Answer KeyMostly A's: SpringMostly B's: SummerMostly C's: FallMostly D's: Winter