OML IM CRYING SOMEONE FOUND OUT MY NAME AaAaAaaAaAaAaA so I guess I betterreveal it… 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 AIt’s Felix, yea go ahead and laugh. And it’s kinda an old person name ig 😭everyone’s always like *breaks a pencil* “fix it Felix!” and I’m like bro no leave mealone 😭 also ✨ Felix the cat✨ and there’s also a celebrity named Felix as well😒 so now u know my name…but um u can call me it if u want or lix ig but ummaybe just call me frooty loops…btw congrats @voiddoesart u found out 😭And Tysm for 100 u guys kinda deserve it 😵💫