It’s about time I tell everybody about me cause this is my first post and and I don’t feel like drawing(not that it would be a good drawing)but here we go hello one and all to my introduction this iswhere you clap for me (I’m looking at you Mr dragon)I’m just kidding my favorite food is pizzafavorite book so far is wings of fire fave book in the series is wings of fire legends:darkstalkerI have like what 7 siblings 6 brothers 1 sister and technically I have my own wof character (wofstands for wings of fire)or oc what ever fancy word it is and I would like to maybe be a storytellerbut if not then a marine biologist to study more of our ocean and that’s about as much you need toknow about but before I go I would like to ask I don’t have a drawing of my wof oc and would likeone so if any of you know how to draw a sandwing/silkwing animus dragon plz let me know anywho that’s all for know hope all of you have a good day