p.33 Hawaii Notes
how the earth was made notes
n a w a i i n
1934 a dutchgeophysicist named felix meneses invented the
how many he determined the mountains size and it was 140 times the
hotspots size of mount everest
helpedcreate they were wondering if hawaii could even be made up
hawaii of entirely lava
Kilauea could be producing 100 million cubic yards of lava
when will the per year but there is not much lava flowing across the
main island surface
gone or the island until it reaches the ocean where it slowly builds
separate up over time making it bigger
hawaii grows the fastest out of all pieces of land on earth
when was the at the speed of 20 football feilds a year
inst time hawaii alsogrows in size because of other volcanoes its a
hat people volcanic rock hawaii streatches 3 miles down to the sea floor
discovered there is evidence that lava from s volcanoes built the island
hawaii is where it is because the plates are separated by
volcanic structers hawaii had sheild volcanoes which are
how long made of basalt which is formed of liquid islands getgreener
exactly did the more north they are meaning they are older
t take for subduction when tectonic plates colide the heavier plate
he main goes down into the hot earth with water then the water
stand of makes magma push through the plate forms volcanoes
hawaii to but hawaii volcanoes did not fit the subductiontheory
orm instead of subduction the theory of hot spots came up
hot spot a hot reigeon beneath the earth's crust
hawaiis islands kept coming up all over the hot spot
and more islands were created
of the earth are always moving
in 1970 s it was a theory that below the hot spot
is a plume of hot rock which rises upthrough the
earths interior
scientists called it the phenomenon of a mantle plume
gravity readings from 1930 show that the big island is 140 times
bigger than Mt Everest Other investigating show that it is
all made from the basalt lava from 5 volcanoes rocks created
deep underground are found within the lava and shows the
islands volcanoes are fueled by something within the earth
which is called a mantle plume underwater lava proves
that a new volcano is brewing