TD Chapter 8
School was going as depressing as normal. Classes went by, and I didn’t talk to Grion… well I
didn’t have classes with him yet. I walked down the hall when I heard someone.
“Hey Nicky!”
I started to walk a little faster, not wanting to talk.
“Youhoooooo NICKYYYYYY!”
I picked up the pace, as Grion started coming after me. I stopped walking as he sailed forward. He
yelped, and I couldn’t help but give a slight smile. He got control after a minute or two and came
“Hello! Today is a great day and I—”
“Hate it?”
He looked at me curiously. He then eyed me. “Good to see your not mute.” He said softly, with
some anger. Wow… that hurt, talk about dagger to the heart right?
I shrugged, and looked at the ground. “What? Is it not cool to talk to me or something?” He said
I shook my head, and pushed back tears. I glanced at him in his wheelchair, and looked down again.
“I… I just… I… can’t talk about it now.” I said softly.
“About what? What happened? I don’t wanna talk about it either.” He said pointing to the
wheelchair. I looked into his blue eyes that showed pain. “So… what’s up?” He said looking down.
I shrugged. “Nothing really… how’s life?”
“Um… my siblings went back to collage. Still getting used to the whole… ‘Your Paralyzed’ thing.”
He said softly. I looked down as well, and silence started for a bit.
“We should… we should get to class.” I said softly. He nodded in agreement, and I ended up
walking with him to history.
I sat down, and looked at Ashlyn who had a broad smile. “What?” I asked hiding a small smile.
“See you two are talking again.” She said giving a devious smirk. I rolled my eyes, and smiled.
“Yeah, and?” I said laughing. Ashlyn raised her eyebrows up and down, with the devious smirk.
“No! I don’t like him.” I hissed, knowing Grion sat near.
Ashlyn rolled her eyes at me. “Sure, and it’s not like he likes you back.”
“He does?!”
She smiled at me, and shook her head. “You are so blind.” She said laughing. My face got red,
because it seemed like she said that out loud. “Anyways, I also got a date.” She said turning red.
“With who?”
“Austin Baker.” She said turning more red.
“You mean the goalkeeper for the soccer team?” I said giving her the same smirk she gave me. She
nodded and glanced at Austin.
“Face it Nicky. The guy is hot. He’s the hottest kid in the grade! I hit the jackpot!” She said excitedly.
“Because you’ve liked him since last year.” I pointed out. She nodded and laughed. To be honest, I
had never seen her so happy.
We both glanced back at the boys, who we’re talking about something. Austin was a small shade of
pink, while Grion was red as a tomato. “I guess Austin is pretty hot. Isn’t he from Florida?” I
“And Australia!!!”
I raised an eyebrow. Maybe it was because I never talk to him much, but I didn’t think he had an
accent. I looked at them, and my eyes fell on Grion.
“Austin’s may be hit, but Grion is adorable.”
“Because you like him.” Ashlyn said smiling.
“Yeah… WIAT WHAT?!”
The girl had tricked me. She tricked me into confessing everything I didn’t want to admit. I had to
say, Ashlyn was a great pitcher, but she would make a great detective or spy.
Ashlyn smirked. “It’s been obvious since ninth grade Nicky. I’m not that dumb.”
I looked up at Nicky who was shrug’n, and talk’n to Ashlyn about someth’n. I turned to Austin, who
was drawing on his paper.
“Why do girls always huddle when they talk?”
Austin looked up at the girls and shrugged. “Great question. I um… I do not know!” He said with
fake energy. I laughed and we watched them a little bit longer. “I asked Ashlyn out.”
“What did she say?” He went pink and smiled. My eyes widened. “She said yes!?”
He nodded and sat back. He then pointed to Nicky. “Saw you two talking. She’s right up your ally
mate.” He said putting a hand on my shoulder.
“I don’t know. It was kinda awkward, and—”
“You bother we’re blushing.”
“She wasn’t… holy tatdor tot she was!”
“EXACTLY MATE!” Austin said shaking my shoulder. “She gave you a green light! She likes you
My face went red, and we both looked away when the girls looked over. “Stop talk’n so loud.” I
hissed at him.
Austin gave a smile and shook his head. “I can talk as loud as I want. Look, we got three weeks until
Germany. Three weeks for you to plan, and three weeks for me to be your wing man!” He said
I nodded in agreement with him. I looked down at my wheelchair and my stuck as the muck legs.
“You think I gotta chance?”
“Think?” Austin said breathlessly. “THINK?! MATE, YOUR SET UP FOR—!”
I turned around and covered his mouth. “Shut up!” I hissed at him. I glanced at Nicky who was
talk’n to Ashlyn Kertcher about someth’n.
Austin licked my hand and I pulled it o of his mouth. “THATS DISGUST’N!”
“And you let me go. Listen mate, if we’re going to do this, we plan now. Period.” He said pointing a
nger. I nodded and whipped my hand on his uniform. He looked disgusted at rst then shrugged.
“Alright. What’s the plan?” I said nervously.
The bell rang, and Austin looked at me. “Tell you later.” He then looked at me. “Take what you can
“And give noth’n back.”