A Christmas Murder: actors can edit/write scriptCharacters~Elf’s: SANDY~ Zoey CAROL~ Reese PEPPERMINT~ SimoneReindeer: DASHER~ Reagan DANCER~ OliveSnowmen: FROSTY~ Lily CHILLY~AshleyKids: MAX~ Jordan SARAH~ GwynSanta: JackMrs. Claus: CharlotteSanta~ mhhhmmm cookies (takes cookie and pantomime’s eating)Santa~ I don’t feel so good (screams)(BLACKOUT)(Lights up) (Santa is ‘dead’ center stage. All of cast except for kids are on stagelooking down at Santa)Mrs. Clause: Oh my goodness, how can my Santa be (pause) dead! He must’vebeen MURDERED! (Everyone gasps)Carol~ Are you sure? I mean, so many things could’ve happened here.Sandy~ Yeah, like he could’ve just had too much sugar so his heart failed orsomething like that.Mrs. Clause~ I’m sure it was murder! And by the way, my kringle’s heart wasstronger than a reindeer’s.Peppermint~ Speaking of reindeer, I personally think they committed the crime.Dasher and Dancer~ What! Why would we kill Santa?Carol~ Because of this.(she pulls out a piece of paper from her pocket andunfolds it)Carol~ (starts to read aloud) Dear Santa, thi-Frosty~ Can I read it? Pleaseeeeee?Carol~ Fine.Frosty~ Yay! Dear Santa, this is our letter telling you we have officially hadenough! Failure to comply with our expectations will lead to a punishment you willnever forget. Here are our expectations:1. Healthier food options in the stables. How do you expect us to fly a big fatman and a whole load of presents around all night, when half of us are onthe verge of a sugar crash? 2. Presents for each and every reindeer, every year. You should expect us towant more than just the standard ‘welcome to the crew’ gift that we getonce in a lifetime (literally)3. Stop giving kids those ridiculous reindeer headbands. Seriously. No onewill ever look good in those.Sincerely,Your reindeer.Mrs. Clause~ What was the punishment?!(Dasher and Dancer look at eachother) Come on, it doesn’t matter now that he’s dead. Actually it mattersespecially now that he’s deadDasher~ Umm I don’t know if I should do that…Carol: Please. You know they’re just refraining from telling you because theywon’t admit that the punishment was death!Dancer~ What! We would never KILL Santa. We were just going to tell Mrs.Clause that Santa wasn’t following his diet plan, after Mrs. Clause paid $90 for anonline subscription to that custom diet website.Mrs. Clause~ He wasn’t following his diet plan! Sugarplums! What a waste ofmoney!Dasher~ That’s why we didn’t want to tell you!Peppermint~ Who could the murderer be then?Sandy~It’s probably the snowmen then! Think about it: Frosty wanted to read thatnote so bad. What if he was just checking that there was nothing incriminatingbefore I read it out loud to everyone?Chilly~What?! We would never kill Santa!Frosty~I only ate his cookie and stole Mrs. Claus from himEveryone ~ WHAT!!!Mrs. Clause~ FROSTY WE WENT ON ONE DATE!Sandy~ Lets be honest, we all knewCarol~ Yeah if your going to cheat at least do it goodPeppermint ~ For realMrs. Claus~ Santa didn’t love me anymore though.Sandy~I know i helped him file the divorce papers before he placed the orderMrs.Claus ~ WHAT HE WANTED TO GET DIVORCEDDasher~What?Carol~ Oh yea, I remember thatPeppermint~ I don’t Carol ~ Remember when he asked us to write that paperPeppermint~ Oh that was those paper?Carol~ YeahPeppermint~ Oh okayChilly~ Dang. You did Santa dirty.Dancer~ How did this even come up no one cares about the old people’s love lifeMrs. Claus~ How rude! Naughty list for youDasher~ Ok…you do know we don't get gifts right?Mrs. Claus~ Well no food i guessPeppermint ~ That’s legit animal abuseSandy~ Ok well i don’t care. But I have a theory of who killed Santa.Chilly~ Who!?Sandy~ The kids. {dun dun dunnnnnnnnn}Carol~ That can’t be. There so sweet and cute and they all love SantaPeppermint ~You mean lovedCarol~Not funnyMrs. Claus~ Where are those kids anyways? Shouldn’t they be up now?Sandy~ Exactly, they're the only ones still not here meaning is has to be them.Dasher~ TRUEEEEEEFrosty~Leave the kids out of this. Besides i saw them playing on the playground.Peppermint ~ So Santa died while the kids were awake?Frosty~ I ummmCarol~ He is lying!!!!Max and Sarah~ Hi! What did we miss?Chilly~ Where were you last night?Sarah~ We went for a walk in the winter wonderland.Peppermint~ Do you have an alibi for that?Max~ Why would we need an alibi?Dasher~ Well Santa is kinda…Dancer~ Dead.Sarah and Max~ What?!?Sarah~ How could he be dead?Mrs. Claus~ He was murdered.Max~ What!Sarah~ By who?Sandy~ Well right now, you guys are our number one suspects. Unless you havean alibi? Max~ We were walking with Dancer until he left about 2 hours ago to go toreindeer training.Carol~ Dancer, can you confirm that?Dancer~ Yes.Frosty~ Ok now that the kids are innocent, I think the elves did it.Carol~Wait what?Chilly~ That actually makes so much senseSandy~HOWFrosty ~ Well y’all sure hang around Santa quite a bitPeppermint ~Well duh we’re his “right hand men”Carol~WOMENPeppermint ~WomenFrosty~ Well you guys do make all the food. You could put POISON in hiscookies!Sandy~ well technically anyone could’ve put poison in his cookies. They weresitting out a long time.Peppermint~ Yeah we made them last night at like 7:00.Chilly~ Can you confirm that with an alibi?Carol~ Well… no.Sandy~ OK FINE! WE DID IT!Frosty~AH HAMrs. Claus~Why though?!Peppermint ~He was terrible to us.Carol ~Yeah he would force us to work over time for no kringle kash at all.Sandy~I mean he threatened us first so it was self defenseMrs.Claus ~GET OUTAll elfs ~What!?Mrs Claus-I said GET OUTChilly ~THERE’S THE DOOR(Elves exit)