A Christmas Murder
A Christmas Murder: actors can edit/write script
Elfs: SANDY~ Zoey CAROL~ Reese PEPPERMINT~ Simone
Reindeer: DASHER~ Reagan DANCER~ Olive
Snowmen: FROSTY~ Lily CHILLY~Ashley
Kids: MAX~ Jordan SARAH~ Gwyn
Santa: Jack
Mrs. Claus: Charlotte
Santa~ mhhhmmm cookies (takes cookie and pantomimes eating)
Santa~ I dont feel so good (screams)
(Lights up) (Santa is dead center stage. All of cast except for kids are on stage
looking down at Santa)
Mrs. Clause: Oh my goodness, how can my Santa be (pause) dead! He mustve
been MURDERED! (Everyone gasps)
Carol~ Are you sure? I mean, so many things couldve happened here.
Sandy~ Yeah, like he couldve just had too much sugar so his heart failed or
something like that.
Mrs. Clause~ Im sure it was murder! And by the way, my kringles heart was
stronger than a reindeers.
Peppermint~ Speaking of reindeer, I personally think they committed the crime.
Dasher and Dancer~ What! Why would we kill Santa?
Carol~ Because of this.(she pulls out a piece of paper from her pocket and
unfolds it)
Carol~ (starts to read aloud) Dear Santa, thi-
Frosty~ Can I read it? Pleaseeeeee?
Carol~ Fine.
Frosty~ Yay! Dear Santa, this is our letter telling you we have officially had
enough! Failure to comply with our expectations will lead to a punishment you will
never forget. Here are our expectations:
1. Healthier food options in the stables. How do you expect us to fly a big fat
man and a whole load of presents around all night, when half of us are on
the verge of a sugar crash?
2. Presents for each and every reindeer, every year. You should expect us to
want more than just the standard welcome to the crew gift that we get
once in a lifetime (literally)
3. Stop giving kids those ridiculous reindeer headbands. Seriously. No one
will ever look good in those.
Your reindeer.
Mrs. Clause~ What was the punishment?!(Dasher and Dancer look at each
other) Come on, it doesnt matter now that hes dead. Actually it matters
especially now that hes dead
Dasher~ Umm I dont know if I should do that
Carol: Please. You know theyre just refraining from telling you because they
wont admit that the punishment was death!
Dancer~ What! We would never KILL Santa. We were just going to tell Mrs.
Clause that Santa wasnt following his diet plan, after Mrs. Clause paid $90 for an
online subscription to that custom diet website.
Mrs. Clause~ He wasnt following his diet plan! Sugarplums! What a waste of
Dasher~ Thats why we didnt want to tell you!
Peppermint~ Who could the murderer be then?
Sandy~Its probably the snowmen then! Think about it: Frosty wanted to read that
note so bad. What if he was just checking that there was nothing incriminating
before I read it out loud to everyone?
Chilly~What?! We would never kill Santa!
Frosty~I only ate his cookie and stole Mrs. Claus from him
Everyone ~ WHAT!!!
Sandy~ Lets be honest, we all knew
Carol~ Yeah if your going to cheat at least do it good
Peppermint ~ For real
Mrs. Claus~ Santa didnt love me anymore though.
Sandy~I know i helped him file the divorce papers before he placed the order
Carol~ Oh yea, I remember that
Peppermint~ I dont
Carol ~ Remember when he asked us to write that paper
Peppermint~ Oh that was those paper?
Carol~ Yeah
Peppermint~ Oh okay
Chilly~ Dang. You did Santa dirty.
Dancer~ How did this even come up no one cares about the old peoples love life
Mrs. Claus~ How rude! Naughty list for you
Dasher~ Okyou do know we don't get gifts right?
Mrs. Claus~ Well no food i guess
Peppermint ~ Thats legit animal abuse
Sandy~ Ok well i dont care. But I have a theory of who killed Santa.
Chilly~ Who!?
Sandy~ The kids. {dun dun dunnnnnnnnn}
Carol~ That cant be. There so sweet and cute and they all love Santa
Peppermint ~You mean loved
Carol~Not funny
Mrs. Claus~ Where are those kids anyways? Shouldnt they be up now?
Sandy~ Exactly, they're the only ones still not here meaning is has to be them.
Frosty~Leave the kids out of this. Besides i saw them playing on the playground.
Peppermint ~ So Santa died while the kids were awake?
Frosty~ I ummm
Carol~ He is lying!!!!
Max and Sarah~ Hi! What did we miss?
Chilly~ Where were you last night?
Sarah~ We went for a walk in the winter wonderland.
Peppermint~ Do you have an alibi for that?
Max~ Why would we need an alibi?
Dasher~ Well Santa is kinda
Dancer~ Dead.
Sarah and Max~ What?!?
Sarah~ How could he be dead?
Mrs. Claus~ He was murdered.
Max~ What!
Sarah~ By who?
Sandy~ Well right now, you guys are our number one suspects. Unless you have
an alibi?
Max~ We were walking with Dancer until he left about 2 hours ago to go to
reindeer training.
Carol~ Dancer, can you confirm that?
Dancer~ Yes.
Frosty~ Ok now that the kids are innocent, I think the elves did it.
Carol~Wait what?
Chilly~ That actually makes so much sense
Frosty ~ Well yall sure hang around Santa quite a bit
Peppermint ~Well duh were his right hand men
Peppermint ~Women
Frosty~ Well you guys do make all the food. You could put POISON in his
Sandy~ well technically anyone couldve put poison in his cookies. They were
sitting out a long time.
Peppermint~ Yeah we made them last night at like 7:00.
Chilly~ Can you confirm that with an alibi?
Carol~ Well no.
Frosty~AH HA
Mrs. Claus~Why though?!
Peppermint ~He was terrible to us.
Carol ~Yeah he would force us to work over time for no kringle kash at all.
Sandy~I mean he threatened us first so it was self defense
Mrs.Claus ~GET OUT
All elfs ~What!?
Mrs Claus-I said GET OUT
(Elves exit)