4s EriiiFlag football core😻☝I was practicing the reverse handoff with my 2 running backs- so the center(the personin the middle hiking the ball) does this weird thing when she bends down- like herknees go inward but her ankles are still in the right place (im draw a pic of it) so thecoach was like talking to us abt the plays and i js turn around and see her positionedlike that and i js started laughing so hard i hadda turn away so the coach wont see mebut the they noticed so i fully on started laughing and my laugh is really loud ngl💀 soi was on the ground and my coah was like "oH? YoU tHiNk tHiS iS fUnNy??" Like notf 💀 then she goes "wELL gUesS wHaT, iLl mAkE YoU rUn SuIciDes iF yoUwaNNa DisrEsPect." Dawg hit me w that "this will show em😭 🙏 " and the girl withthe spaghetti legs already knew why i was laughing so she started laughing and thecoach made us run 10 laps around the track (i hid in the bathroom after like 2 laps eventho it ws my fault💀 🙏 )