WICH ONE ARE YOU?Friend group editionThe quiet one @mariamThe too loud one @mirnazghierThe one who is alwasy prepered for anyting @ayattThe one that spams the gc. @ that kid AbdullahThe one the never checks the gc @mirnazghierThe one that gives there food to others @andrasThe one that takes the food people offer @wilsonThe crazy one: @mirnazghierThe clumsy one @mariamThe smart one @ayattThe one that knows what your are classes and wants nextThe one that has all of the coolest clothes and accesorys@richerdThe one that is to busy to do anyting @ayattThe one that is always involved in the group drama somehow@mirnazghierThe one that thinks there is too many people in the group@ansamThe different species one:@ansam @ayattur fargurly13ur fav gurly 13Ewisp The one that gets bullied: @MeaganThe slow one: @mirnazghierThe dumb one: @ansamThe one therapist of the gc: @Andrew