never done 1 of these be4…
Age: 13
Grade: Not saying that’s none of your biz
Relationship status: Beautiful bf/partner
Kiss count: 0 (I just started dating my partner like a week ago)
Fav Artist: Melanie Martinez, Weezer, mitski, marina
Fav song: Achilles come down, sweater song, play w/ fire, and unsweetened
Fav food: Idk
Fav show: Stranger things, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Friends: About maybe 20 idk I don’t count my friends
Height: 5’4
Happiness: 5/10
Fav season: fall
Fav Starbucks drink: Idk the only coffee I drink is the one I make
Crush: Ace obvi
Piercing: Does having both of your ears pierced count as 1 or 2
Sport: soccer None