Emoji challenge
Your 19th emoji tells you how successful you will be:
🀑 oh ok
Your 2nd emoji tells you what your family thinks of you
🎐 what?
Your 7th emoji tells you the future:
🐝 I’m confused
Your 23rd emoji tells you what people think of you:
πŸͺ„ yes I’m magic
Your 1st emoji is your response to your most recent test:
πŸ«€ yes
Your 12th emoji is what people of school think of you:
😺 ok
Your 5th emoji is what you think of yourself:
🌺 I don’t understand
Your 17th emoji is an indicator of the future:
🦬 I’m a buffalo?
Your 9th emoji is what your crush thinks of you:
πŸͺ„ I don’t have a crush