GET TO KNOW ME:My name: TarynMy age: 14My height: 5ā6 ishMy favorite food: Vietnamese food (pho)My favorite animal: my pet snake (snakes or cats)My favorite color: red or maroonSport(s) I do: ļ¬gure skating and cheerSiblings: 1 younger brotherMy inspiration: MY LOVELY FOLLOWERS ON NOTABILITY! šMy partner: my boyfriend EthanWhere Iām from: Hawaii (Oahu island)My nationalities: Vietnamese, Hispanic, white? (Is white a nationality?)My favorite thing to do: play call of duty or Fortnite with friendsMy best friend: ALL MY FOLLOWERS ARE MY BEST FRIENDS! šMy sign: Leo ā (zodiac)LOVE YOU! you can repost or remix this if you want! ā¤ ā¤ ā¤