Ok here is the whole vixen situation since no one actually read the document that Lia and Ispent hours on and for some reason people are still being manipulated by vixen to be onhis sideThese are events from vixens server made back in December, I am not in vixens current serverand have them blocked on all platforms that have that option so I do not have any info what ofwhat they have done in their new server-vixen s3xu@lised themselves and other server members, making a quiz to see similar k1nks andsuch, flirting with members, and some suggestive artwork was thrown around along with 🌽pfps. Vixen also had and sent ss of a very erotic 18+ roleplay with a user who could be any ageand no one knows who they are. VIXEN IS 14 BTW!! (13 at the time) NOT EVEN AT THE AGE OFCONSENT. And just because vixen is a minor too, doesn’t make it ok, especially since theynever even gave warnings or at the least marked spoilers before sending this stuff. Also everyonein the GC was ranging from 12-17 years old. Also they just had weird statements in their profile,one saying “c_m for me” “if you want my gum come spank me for it” “I turn straight people g@y(and h0rny)” “I’ll wear a collar and leash for my master any day” also vixen just posted a lot ofstuff that was borderline z00philia, like the collar and leash thing and saying he was into p3tpl@y,just gross stuff. Vixen also made and 18+ twitter and said he was 14 (when he was far from at thetime only 13) just weird tbh-faking mental disorders, vixen says they have diagnosed autism and yet still felt the need to takea very unreliable online quiz. Also vixen says their parents are horrible, and yet they bragged theirmom (who they say is horrible) went out of her way to buy what vixen referred to as an “autismtoy” (a fidget) also, in the same image you could see tons of plushies, there were LED lights, itlooked like a pretty luxurious room, and who is buying you all your hair dye vixen? I’m sure youdon’t have a job. Vixen also supposedly has PTSD, ADHD, and depression, you know, all thepopular mental disorders on TikTok right now. Including autism. Do I even have to start on theplague of all the TikTokers saying they have autism when they don’t, some even admitting tobeing self diagnosed because apparently that’s ok now for some reason.-art theft, not a lot to cover here, but vixen just steals art and traces a lot, look at their Artfol it’sclear as day. Most of the art they steal and even state is their own are popular pins everyone hasseen on Pinterest. 1/10 art theft 😭-for the record, vixen was fully aware Qibli and psy_ch0 were together, I told them multiple timeswhen I was in the server and they acknowledged it even more directly and indirectly, even makingQibli already being with someone into something for them to romanticise. Idk why vixen is lyingabout that. He is not at all innocent.That’s basically everything I am aware of, there is more in the document but I can’t put everythingon nota