Hey guys! So I might take a little break or at least just not post as much until I get my head together… NO THISIS NOT about nota drama, tbh I don’t even care that much because it has nothing to do with me and also like,why would I need to get involved?Anyways, about the “getting my head together” I kinda sorta had a weird short little mental breakdown, idrk.What I mean by that is like…So my sister was in my room coming to use my brush and I was standing at a certain angle in my room, and allof a sudden all the decorations in my room just seemed kinda…wrong?…And after she left, it just started to feel really weird around me, and honestly I feel like my decorations areum…looming over me? Like kinda closing me in? It’s hard to explain, but I began to get scared and Ihyperventilated for a few seconds, which isn’t really a good thing. So obv I was scared to look at my walls, andI still do feel weird, so um…I think this week Im gonna try and spend some more time outside and try not towork myself so hard, and also just kinda take a break in general. I AM NOT LEAVING!So sorry if this seemed kind of vague or dramatic, but I just wanted to try and explain it to you guys. I mean,other wise I feel ok, but I just feel REALLLLYYY tripped out at the moment.So I’m gonna take a little break for a few days and bye!!!