Raising the kids plus Erebus was not as bad as I thought. Though, it was weirdto have him around. Despite his protests that he wasn’t Emo he sure looked it.But I tried to be a mother to him. I knew I had to after I learned about hispast. That made the change in me. I made sure that Erebus welcome. I boughthim some more clothes despite his protests(he protested a lot) and eventually herelented. Though the first time he and Greyson fought and skeletons rose out ofthe ground I just about threw him out. I learned he sometimes couldn’t controlit so I forgave him though I made sure to drill it in that there were to be noskeletons coming out of the ground anymore. He agreed and apologized and lifewent on. Audrey was a big help and I found she was like a mini me. One day, Iwas doing the dishes when I hear screaming. I groan and march down to thebackyard. I glared at Greyson and Erebus who were fighting. Erebus somehowhad Greyson in a headlock and black rocks and skeletons littered the ground.BOYS! I yelled. I was full mama bear mode now. No stopping me and the boysknew it. They separated and looked at the ground. What are you two doing?! Idemand. Um.. friendly competition? Greyson tries. We were just trying to talkthings out and well… he says. I eyed him. What did I ask you NOT to do?! I askhim. Raise the dead. He said softly. AND WHAT DID YOU DO?! I ask. He looked atthe skeletons. Raise the dead. He said. I nodded. He slumped to the ground.Greyson looked at me as he caught Erebus. Mom, we promise not to do it againbut Dad says it builds character. Greyson argues. I give him a look. Son, i dontcare what your father says. In this house there will be no more fightingespecially when someone could get seriously hurt. Got it? I tell him. He nods. Yesma’am. He says. Good, ill be making dinner, when you help Erebus then you cancome and help me. I turn to leave. Oh, and your grounded. By the way. I tellhim and leave. I hear him groan as I walk back in the house. I hear the doorbellring. Who could that be? I think and walk to the door. There, stood Knole andEvelyn. I opened the door with a big smile. Evelyn Knole come in! Im just makingdinner now. I tell them and they smile. We have something to tell you. Evelynsays. I gasp as she reveals her small gut. Oh my gosh congratulations Eve! I tellher and wrap her in a hug. Thanks, we’re excited. She says. Well come in and sitdown! I tell her and lead them to the couch. Ill be right back with some tea. Isay and go make some. I had a new spring in my step.