simplestareneBENZENE Qwhy notaccurateGHG 1 L I V L L I V L All e to CbondssamelengthExplaindirtarrangerealiphatic straight1branchedchainorgsubs 1716 e ofC Ddocaromatic i haveplanarunsatring pleasentsmell inbenzenearene 31 ring 6C atoms w delocalised bondingaromatichydrocarbonSTRUCTURECGH6 Actualstruct6 Catoms hexring oneHbondedeachCplanarMol deloc e systeme delocaroundring overlap porbitals H C C bondangle9 1200Kekule model evidence to proveWRONGKbenzring largenonpolarhydrophobicdelocalised modelG p e deloc inringabove t belowp plane carbon ring6 orbitalsoverlap 317 bonds17bonds clouds deloc ee constantmove shared equally bet 6 C atomsstabilityEVIDENCE AGAINST KEKULE1 x decor 13hwater Clackreactivity ofbenzene as not normalalkenegiverforbenzenethanexp2 Thermodyn stability OHhydrogenationf delocalization is stable ordecoctE req breakbonds in benzenet Hz f OH 120KJmol kendo texovaluecyclohexaneIf Kekulecorrect OHF benzene SHOULD be 3 X 360BUT NET is 208benzene stable by152KTmolG n e deloc notas 3 C cBenzene stableby15215midifference delocalisationenthalpy onbonde Delocsub rxns insteadaddnmaintains delocsystIvexothanexpectedduedelocstabringfromringe