- If you think about everything, it happens for a reason. But people never acknowledged thosereasons before the thing that happened.-- We know more about most animals than they know about themselves.- Even if we all spoke the same language, we wouldn’t understand everyone.- Bluetooth headphones must have made of the life of a pickpocketers stealing smartphones so mucheasier.- Being a vegetarian is not about how much vegetables you eat. It’s about how much meat you eat.- You subconsciously block out the sound of your own footsteps.- Most films stars have never seen the audience react to their work.- No one knows what the greatest lie ever told was.- One can have a better life if they don’t take life for granted.- If I weight 99 pounds and eat a pound of nachos, does it mean I am 1% of nachos ?- If you drop soap, is the soap dirty or is the floor clean ?- Which orange came first ; the colour or the fruit ?- If two vegans are arguing ; Is it still considered beef ?- If you were born deaf, what language are you speaking ?- If you get out of a shower clean, how does your towel get dirty ?- If you run at 11pm you are a night person but if you run at 5am you are a morning person, if yourun at 3am you are a suspicious person- It’s not fair that coffee stains your teeth brown but milk doesn’t stain them white- Is there a day that everyone blinked at the same time ? If there was then, we have no proofbecause we couldn’t see it.- Water can freeze you, boil you and drown you to death, but you still need it to survive….- If money can’t buy u happiness, why do people buy happy meals?- if u stab a cereal box, at u a cereal killer?