My Christmas OC (ma'am, pls stop this) (2)
Kadence! Pls stop posting rxsie's art, that
you remixed & traced! We can all see you
traced. Stop defendign yourself saying
you didn't trace. Look. This is rxsie's
next to yours
Nonono, lady_scorpion I
think you have it a bit
wrong. This doesn’t seem
traced to me, Kadence’s
looks different, and not
just the outt. The body
structure is different too,
it isn’t a replica. I posted
a tutorial on how to draw
in my art style, and it just
looks like she followed it
with this one. She does
have some of my traced
art on her prole, but
this isn’t one of them.
Looking at that
now, yah i do think
she did use the tut,
sorry ;-; (kinda
embarrased rn)