Sensation and Perception
Sensation and Perception
Forenergy to be detected has to exceed sensory
Absolutethreshold smallestpossiblestrengthof stimulus
that can bedetected half the time
Thresholds Difference threshold smallest possibledifferencebetween
2 stimuli that can bedetected half the time
Sensory adaptation thedecline in sensativity to a
constant stimuli
Transduction Energy is converted into neural signals and
transmitted to the brain
Subliminalperception deduction of stimuli that are below
thresholdon concious awareness nonconsciousperception
Mereexposureeffectfinding that repeated exposureto
stimulus increases personsprefrence for that stimulus
V15Oh stimulus lightwaves PartsofEye
Pupil contracts or dialates tocontrol
amountof lightenteringeye
Lensprocess of accomidationfocuses
lighton retina
Rods peripheral V's
penna containssensoryreceptorsBlack Whitevision
cones concentrated in Foresman area inpupil
Fine details visual acuity
Color vision Pychological experience of different wavelengths
I 939 194 5purityofwavelength
amplitude oflightwave
Trichromatic Theory that sensationofcolorresultsbecones in retina are
Theory especiallysensitive to redlight longwaves greenlight med
andbluewaves short explainsred greencolorbliness
Opg nyt
Theory thatcolor isproductofopposingpairsofcolorreceptorsand
process whenonemember of a colorpairis stimulated theothermember
is inhibited
I II e
explains after imagesBlue yellow occurs in ganglion cells
Perception Theprocess ofintegratingorganizing interpretingsensoryinfo
Top down knowledgeflowsfromthebraindown to thesensory data
processing expectations
Bottom up Dataflowfromsensoryreceptors up to the brain
Gestalt emphasizedperception of wholeforms or gestalts
Psychology Figure ground relationship perception is automatically
separatedintofigurewhichclearlystandsout fromless
distinct background thegroundNaturalrules
fororganizing Proximity hear belong law of proximity
Data Similarity similar belong lawofsimilarity
Continuity flow continuos lawofgoodcontinuation
closure completinganimage lawofclosure
Perception MonocularCues Distanceordepthcues that can beprocessed
byeithereye alone
Relative size
Ariel perspective
RetinalDisparity Deference in
Linear perspective
sua data detectedbythe
left and Righteye
Prm Pals Perceptualconstancy objects are perciered as stabledespite
changes insensoryoutput
Sizeconstancy perception ofobjectas same size
I shapeconstancy
illusions MullerLyerillusion visualillusioninvolvingmisperceptionof
lengthof 2 Identical lines one w arrows pointedinward
and one wi arrows pointedoutward
Moon illusion visual illusioninvolving misperception that the
moon is largerwhen on horizon than when overhead
Perception is influencedbyexperience
Perceptual set tendency topercheve objects or situations
from aparticularframe of reference