Tagore’s philosophy [East]
t esphilosophy
weather.es ei boueinaiasnoca ere
from colonialism But he was wrongly against
nationalism He extensively wrote about the ni e of
nationalism in japan he predicted that it would
lead to a disaster at home abroad te
nationalism as kind of madness hat alwaysve It d in wars The two world warare both filled by nationalism in a ringthat time it b also happened in Asia also
For tagore national States were formed
as a war machine to expand than control
their territories So e warned ag use the
fascistic tendencies of nation States that they
only care about fascist tendency which is
they only are about their own people
Nation state doesn't care about if people of the other
side of the border die in famine or starvation it only
care about their own selfish motives
today a good example it can be food
waste in some country starvation war into other
l we have our greatest slight when
wetalize ourselves in others and this t
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he also believe
so we material work is Ut wold 01 in universal humanism
was utter reroutes are limited and victory
in is on who havesuperior city in Us For him every
weapon Upton success in view 0 human civilization
progress to one foul most often runs 2110 like fine India
del 1 0 21 Persia Greece Egyp
US UK are more
like peaks that
attached the same hill humanity Tagore says libarated humans
are those who thinks beyond their naiton l boders
Fainan so closelyknit that when
one of the great risk to S 0444517 blowcomesback
in todays economic
Being selfish is
go.gov et
But once you go beyond greed you find happiness
According to him we all are connected to humanity the
meaning of life is to love everyone no matter what rationality
Rationalityvsarfo tagore was somehow also critic
of nationalism somehow similar
to Dostoevsky in that modern nationalists distort as men
as dehumanise people tagore thought modern man war
like crazy distorted giaffe whose head touched the
cloud of illusion of power malarial success while the
heart was stuck down below unhappy unfulfilled
knowledge efficiency are like hotels
Tagore says it's clean nice but the host is missing
To be spitually liberated education was rutial for him
But a rigid coercive education system could also break
person's spirit He Argued that education shall be a
Process of self discovery that allows people to be
greater than they are them sales
Tagore believe since intellect is the
same for all human S en ee as a product of
human intellect reduces everything to prototypes
species numbers statistic the only way to
truly understand other people as unique human being
we have to turn to art stories why Because
art stories turn all creatures into unique
characters each individual with unique emotions
it gives them humanity while science simply
depicts people as numbers statistics of citizen
of a nation
He also pointed out your intelligence
belongs to others i e to provide food security
for your family Boss friends governments Brilliant
scientist like Einstein helped create the most
powerful Bomb for United States government same as
Alfred Nobel created dynamite o your intellect
an also destroy the hole world so intelligence
a science can be equally or more destructive than
helpful therefore to truly understand others we're
to return to art stories
fastvs.ws western humanism originated
from a christian belief that alll believers were equal
But in 18th century the enlightment replacedd with human reasoning that all human beingas equal In fact western science relies on
a single truth single theory single best
answer to every problem To answer one problemProblematic One has to be better than otherstwo theory cant o exsist One has to be
Tagore understood this
singlemindedness of western pilosophy But instead
interested tagore was that westerners were seekingtruth outside while indians were
seeking inside
trough meditation He found a problem in Both
ways of thinking He was critical of the west
for going too far explotig the world in the
Process distroying nature as well as eatures
He one the other side also
critical of Indians for being too inactive meditating
inside a temple west seeking one answer to everything
the east is chasing answer inside each individual
Tagore believed the west could learn from the east
to be more self refective contemplative medita
Are while the east could learn from the west
at active work creativity material enteavourytoo can give life a meaning In the 2nd halfof 20th century many western hippies found themselves in India for spiritual guidance Some likeSteve jobs use their Indian spiritual experienceto Become better capitalist
so tagore wanted a dialogue
between culture He cemented the west arroganceselfishness east's aloofness passivity
HumanVSNatof tagore says every civilization
has solved a greatproblem
western civilization's challenges was to free us from
nature unite the whole wort he says
e West seems to take it
imitating that it is subduing nature is
WE Were living In a 170511A NOHOW
Fiona Unwilling and alien
a axemen
for us Indians however there is no need for an approach
to control Nature But to be in harmony with nature
west approach to control nature stems from chris
tian notion that we come from nature the garden
Zeden into this ugly wild p ee Takedeanth
so human don't belong here As a result nature
is seen ugly dirty need a cleanup
to give an example of this
saperation between the christians others the colonial
english In India had the same feeling about their
colonies they were there to just extract wealth
Precious minorities like tea spices textile et
then go home as onions onions they didn't consider
Indians as equal so didn't mingle with them
Same In Africa America Austin
Europe only settled in places where they outa and
the locals Also most settlers in Amanica
Australia were the ones who were pushed out of
Europe for their religious beliefs.op ne nai conviction
But in India they never felt at home this un
fortunately put man against nature one the one
hand visions gainst non believers on the
others To the extent that it dehumanised
others so that killing exploiting starving or ensetrythem was eons's erred totally fine by their ownChristian standards